
zhènɡ fǔ bō kuǎn
  • Government grants;government allocations;handout
  1. 工业界的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。

    Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding .

  2. 政府拨款3000万马克用于购置学校的新教材。

    The government gave 30 million marks for new school books .

  3. 首相称将教育投入转由中央政府拨款是“一种倒退”。

    The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as ' a retrograde step ' .

  4. 全国社保基金资金的直接来源是中央政府拨款、彩票收入、国企H股IPO部分所得以及投资收益。

    The fund receives money directly from central government , sales of lottery tickets , its share of Hong Kong IPOs and returns on investments .

  5. 过去10年间,澳大利亚政府拨款占大学预算的比例已经从60%下降到40%,使得澳大利亚用于高等教育的公共支出在经合组织(OECD)国家中排名倒数第三,仅高于美国和日本。

    Canberra 's contribution to university budgets has dropped from 60 per cent to 40 per cent in the past decade , leaving Australia with the third-lowest public expenditure on tertiary education among OECD countries , behind the US and Japan .

  6. 外班克斯列岛灯塔协会(该协会曾请求联邦政府拨款整修一度年久失修的Bodie灯塔)会长BettPadgett提醒人们太阳耀斑会让卫星暂时失灵。

    Bett Padgett , who heads the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society , which petitioned the federal government for funds to restore Bodie Island 's once-crumbling lighthouse , warns of solar flares knocking out satellites .

  7. 第一节介绍政府拨款法案产生的具体流程。

    Section I reviews the specific process of the Appropriations Act .

  8. 多渠道筹措教育经费,如政府拨款、地方自筹、寻找对口支援等。

    Try every means to raise funds for local education .

  9. 此规定同样适用于利用联邦政府拨款签订有关合同的州政府。

    Would also apply to state contract work funded by federal grant .

  10. 由政府拨款资助举会议和活动。

    The meetings and activities are financed by government funds .

  11. 政府拨款:职业教育经费的重要来源

    Government Appropriation : the Important Source of Vocational Education Fund

  12. 协会的经费,每年由政府拨款补助。

    The association is funded by an annual subvention from the government .

  13. 支付定息的政府拨款

    Government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest

  14. 因此,竞赛经费的主要来源仍是政府拨款。

    Therefore , competition is the main source of funds for government funding .

  15. 政府拨款博弈中拖延和等靠行为:一个模型分析

    Delay and Wait Behaviors in Game of Funds Appropriating : A Model Analysis

  16. 三是中央及地方政府拨款;

    Funds from central government and local government ;

  17. 低于预期的建设成本和中央政府拨款帮助节省了7000万美元资金。

    Lower-then-expected construction costs and financing from the central government saved $ 70 million .

  18. 以政府拨款来取代私人资金。

    Replacing private finance by government money .

  19. 此项目得到政府拨款来支付它的发展计划。

    The project has a government ~ to cover the cost of the development programme .

  20. 他们正期待着政府拨款。

    They reckon on getting government funds .

  21. 英国的学校分为政府拨款和私人筹款(立)大类。

    In UK , schools are classified as government funded and privately ( independent ) funded .

  22. 当然,天使投资者、私人股本与政府拨款可以帮助填补这一空白。

    Of course , angel investors , private equity and government grants can all help fill the gap .

  23. 法援服务由政府拨款提供,法援经费不设款额上限。

    Legal aid services are funded by the Government . The provision for legal costs is not cash-limited ;

  24. 他答应联邦政府拨款帮助对抗这次“极具挑战性的灾情”。

    He promised federal money to help deal with what he called a " very challenging situation . "

  25. 传统的非营利组织依靠外部捐赠、政府拨款等,来完成一些社会使命。

    The traditional organizations depended on the social donations and the government finance to accomplish the social mission .

  26. 政府拨款是义务教育阶段教育经费的主要来源,但不是唯一来源。

    The appropriate money from the government is the main but not the only financial source of compulsory education .

  27. 此外,大学教育成本又是作为依据来确定政府拨款和收取学费标准。

    At the same time the cost of university education is to determine government funding and collection of fees .

  28. 政府拨款40亿美金资助改善学校的最佳方案,各州将为此互相竞争。

    States will compete for more than four billion dollars in grants to support the best plans for improving schools .

  29. 一味信赖政府拨款更新硬件在现阶段并不切实可行,新时代的商业竞争实际上是人才的竞争,我们应当关注培养优秀的服装业人才,从软件上下手。

    The competition of commercial in the New era is also the competition of talents , so we should focus on education .

  30. 这是可以做到直接通过政府拨款和财团,日本的贸工部正在最优秀的例子,这种做法。

    This can be done directly through government grants and consortia , Japan 's MITI being the finest example of this approach .