
  • 网络Political Party Leaders;Leadership
  1. 政党领袖与该党党员在这个问题上产生了分歧。

    The leaders clashed with party members on the issue .

  2. 他只是名义上的政党领袖。

    He 's party leader in name only .

  3. 建立新邦的努力始于上世纪50年代,2009年更为急迫,当时地区政党领袖拉奥(KChandrasekharRao)进行了11天的绝食抗议,他的支持者还与警方发生了冲突。

    The push to create the new state began in the 1950s and took on increased urgency in 2009 , when a regional party leader , K Chandrasekhar Rao , went on an 11-day hunger strike , and his supporters clashed with police .

  4. 在消失两个月之后,茨万吉拉伊归来,一天之后的周日与其政党领袖会面。

    Mr. Tsvangirai met Sunday with his party leadership , one day after returning home following a two-month absence .

  5. 有来自120多个国家的200多个政党领袖将会出席此次对话会。

    Leaders of more than 200 political parties and organizations from over 120 countries are expected to attend the dialogue .

  6. 他的两名颇具声望的律师指出,名单中列出的这些人无一对《热文》提起诽谤指控。这两名律师一人是前左翼政党领袖,一人是英国希腊商会总裁。

    His two high-profile lawyers , a former leftwing political party leader and the president of the British-Hellenic chamber of commerce , noted that none of those named had brought a defamation suit against Hot Doc .

  7. 正因为这样,工人阶级政党的领袖,必须是密切联系群众的模范,必须是服从党的组织、遵守党的纪律的模范。

    Precisely because of this , they must set an example in maintaining close contact with the masses , obeying Party organizations and observing rules of Party discipline .

  8. 希腊总统帕普利亚斯正在设法协调三个主要政党的领袖进行谈判,以便组建一个新联合政府,避免举行新一轮议会选举。

    Greek President Karolos Papoulias is struggling to broker talks between the three top party leaders to form a new coalition government and avoid another round of parliamentary elections .

  9. 后来,在近100年的社会主义社会建设历程中,几乎每一个社会主义国家执政的无产阶级政党及其领袖都非常重视教育。

    After that , in the course of socialism construction nearly 100 years , almost every Party in power and leader of socialist countries had also paid great attention to it .

  10. 公投举行之时,被煽风点火的民族主义者搞得头晕脑胀的英国主要政党的领袖们誓言,如果苏格兰选择不独立,将向苏格兰下放“广泛的新权力”。

    By then , dizzied by the yeasty nationalists , the leaders of the main UK parties had vowed that a No vote would still lead to devolution of " extensive new powers " to Edinburgh .

  11. 辛格总理还呼吁所有政党的领袖星期天在新德里会面讨论这次袭击事件。这次孟买袭击事件使整个印度感到震惊,民众要求政府做出明确和快速的反应。

    Prime Minister Singh has also called for all political party leaders to meet Sunday in the capital to discuss the attack , which has shocked the nation and prompted calls for a clear and quick response .

  12. 他被认为是我们政党可能的领袖。

    He is regarded as a potential leader of our political party .