
  • 网络To Change China;Changing China
  1. 他曾经与皇帝做斗争。他尝试改变中国和解放人民。

    He tried to change China and free the people .

  2. 首先,邓赢得改变中国的实际权力时已是暮年。

    The first is that Mr. Deng won the real power to change China so late in his life .

  3. 就目前而言,改变中国的OEM模式,创造出有全球影响的服装品牌,这点应该更为重要。

    For now , China 's OEM model change to create a global clothing brand , this should be more important .

  4. 美国驻华大使馆发言人SusanStevenson在电话中说旅游协议并不能改变中国旅游者赴美的签证政策。

    Spokeswoman for the US embassy in China Susan Stevenson said over the phone that the tourism agreement would not change visa procedures for Chinese tourists to the US .

  5. 但是,基督教并不能从根本上改变中国妇女的处境。

    But Christianity can 't change Chinese women 's conditions fundamentally .

  6. 它是目前改变中国电信行业运营效率低下、资源浪费严重的现状所不可缺少的环节。

    It is necessary to change low efficiency and waste of resource .

  7. 主题:教育改变中国,创新塑造未来!

    Education changes China and I ovation forges future !

  8. 70后艺术:市场改变中国后的一代

    Art of the Post-70 s : The Chinese Generation after the Market Reform

  9. 假以时日,他们将改变中国,改变世界。

    In time , they will change China , and change the world .

  10. 专家们表示,这些案件可能大幅改变中国内地的企业行为。

    Experts said the cases could radically alter corporate behaviour on the mainland .

  11. 在中国现代教育的诞生期,儿童文学曾是一支改变中国教育性质的生力军。

    During the birth of chinese modern education .

  12. 您正在改变中国的未来。

    You are changing the future of China .

  13. 西三角改变中国经济格局

    The Western Triangle Changing Chinese Economic Patterns

  14. 叶匡正写到,重新解读名著不应该改变中国传统的价值观。

    Re-interpreted classics should not divert from the fundamental Chinese value system , Ye wrote .

  15. 二甲苯树脂改性酚醛压塑粉主题:教育改变中国,创新塑造未来!

    Xylene resin modified phenolic molding compound Education changes China and I ovation forges future !

  16. 米未希望能永久地改变中国平面设计。

    MEWE hopes to bring about a permanent change in the graphic design discipline in China .

  17. 中国经济减速也在改变中国企业与外国公司打交道时的决策。

    China 's slowdown also is changing Chinese company decisions regarding their interactions with foreign companies .

  18. 此举也能改变中国的经济结构,并且培养一代中国经理人。

    That would alter the structure of the economy and educate a generation of Chinese managers .

  19. 但是这将改变中国。

    But it is changing China .

  20. 鸟巢本身是逐步改变中国的一小步。

    The Bird 's Nest itself is a little part of transforming China step by step .

  21. 改变中国,改变世界

    Change China , change the world

  22. 如何改变中国的现状,成为当时有识之士高度关注的问题。

    How to change the status of China became the highly concerned problems of insight man .

  23. 在两种环境的强烈的反差下,留学生群体有着急迫改变中国现状的愿望。

    Under the contrast of two environments , international students urgently to change the situation of China .

  24. 过去数周的事件,并未明显改变中国崛起的长远逻辑。

    The events of the past few weeks have not much changed the long-term case for China .

  25. 改变中国股票市场层次单一的格局,扩大证券市场规模。

    4th , change China stock market level sole pattern , expand the scale of stock market .

  26. 旅游改变中国

    Travel Is Changing China

  27. 对日本的包庇和对俄国的批判并未改变中国的处境,中国危机又进一步的加深了。

    The support to Japan and deny to Russia have not changed Chinese position , Chinese crisis became deeper .

  28. 在我看来,改变中国的饮食分配似乎是正面和负面的。

    In my view , the changes of China 's dietary distribution seem to be both positive and negative .

  29. 这些努力已收到一些成效,但还不足以从根本上改变中国的能源供求关系。

    The efforts have yielded some gains , but not enough yet to fundamentally alter China 's energy equation .

  30. 但这意味着要冒改变中国增长模式的风险,而迄今为止,这一模式在中国一直表现良好。

    But that means taking the risk of modifying a growth model that has so far served the country well .