
  • 网络acquisition program
  1. 我们不接受任何短片意见书使用权出让或收购程序。

    We do not accept short film submissions for either the Granting or Acquisitions Programs .

  2. 台湾电脑公司宏(acer)昨日表示,已成功完成针对美国竞争对手gateway的收购要约程序,并获得了美国政府对这项收购计划的批准。

    Bacer , the Taiwanese computer company , yesterday said it had successfully completed its tender offer for gateway , its US rival , and gained US government approval for the planned acquisition .

  3. 收购这些程序漏洞的报价从几百美元到上万美元不等。

    Prices for such software bugs range from a couple of hundred dollars to tens of thousands .

  4. 内容包括杠杆收购的程序、杠杆收购的融资结构安排、杠杆收购中对目标公司的定价。

    By reading this part , you could know how LBO works , which procedure , design of finance , pricing to target company , plans'laying down were involved .

  5. 民生银行和中国监管机构被告知,联合银行处境艰难,美国监管机构必须迅速行动接管该行,而必要的收购审批程序将花费太多时间。

    Minsheng and Chinese regulators were told that UCB was in such trouble that the US regulators had to act quickly to take control of the bank and the necessary approvals would take too much time to process .

  6. •1997年收购Next(程序服务)。

    • 1997 next ( programming services ) .

  7. 我期待着未来听到Sun收购某些应用程序的消息。

    I expect to hear news of Sun acquiring applications some time in the future as well .

  8. 早在Facebook出资10亿美元收购图片共享应用程序Instagram的前一年,通用电气(GeneralElectric)就已加入Instragram的使用者之列。

    About a year before Facebook bought the photo-sharing app instagram for $ 1 billion , General Electric ( GE ) joined .

  9. •2012年收购Chomp(应用程序搜索)。

    • 2012 chomp ( APP search ) .

  10. 另外,本文从管理层收购的方式、程序等角度分析了当前在我国上市公司中发生的MBO典型案例,并指出了现阶段MBO中的各种缺陷以及制度障碍。

    Besides , this article analysis the representative MBO cases in our listed companies from the angle of mode and program of the MBO , and points out various bugs and system obstacles in MBO at present .

  11. 最后一节重点分析了我国上市公司的协议收购和要约收购程序。

    In the last section the author analyzes agreement M A and offer M A procedure of our listed companies .