- 网络cheque

Cheque clearing facilities are available in Hong kong , only for cheques drawn in Hong Kong dollars or United States dollars .
It is recognised that all parties involved in cheque processing are expected to reap long-term benefits from the new system including reduced operational costs and improved processing efficiency .
For offline payment , do I need to wait for clearance of the cheque before I can download the stamp certificate ?
The term'Bank Giro'was adopted by the Clearing banks and Scottish banks in1967 to describe their established credit transfer and their newly introduced direct debiting system .
The third phase , covering US dollar paper cheque clearing and the RTGS interface with the central Moneymarkets unit for settling US dollar denominated debt securities , will be launched before christmas .
Please find enclosed a cheque in settlement of your invoice dated may30th .
Please note that the new account will not be activated until the cheque has cleared .
Clearing of cheques at a clearing-house ( clear ) Please make out your checks to the Bank of China .
You may issue checks in RMB from your RMB settlement account for intra-city transactions .