
  • 网络Checking Account;Check Deposit;checking deposits;checkable deposit
  1. 通货,活期存款,履行支票,其他支票存款。

    Currency , demand deposits , Traveler 's checks , other checkable deposits .

  2. savingsaccount储蓄存款帐户我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户

    I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account .

  3. 我需要储蓄存款帐户及支票存款帐户吗?

    Do I need a savings account and a checking account ?

  4. 我要从我的支票存款账户里提款。

    I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account .

  5. 你需要一个支票存款帐户吗?

    And did you want to have a checking account too ?

  6. 储蓄存款与支票存款的区别是什么?

    What 's the difference between a savings account and a checking account ?

  7. 我看您需要开一个支票存款户。

    I think you need a checking account .

  8. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。

    I have a checking account here .

  9. 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗?

    Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account ?

  10. 进行储蓄及支票存款间的转账和取钱呢?

    Transfer funds between a savings and a checking account and withdraw and amount of money ?

  11. 照程序要开一个支票存款帐户,我还要看你的护照。

    In order to open a checking account here , I also need to see your passport .

  12. 请您告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款有什么不同好吗?

    Excuse me , can you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account ?

  13. 开立支票存款账户,申请人应当预留其本名的签名式样和印鉴。

    When opening a cheque account , the applicant shall reserve a specimen of the signature of his true name and the seal .

  14. 每位竞标者都必须提供100万美元的支票存款,才能参与在华盛顿市中心举行的拍卖。

    Each would have to provide a $ 1m cheque deposit to participate in the auction , which would be held in central Washington .

  15. 我想要查查看目前我支票存款的余额。终点站就要到了,请出示车票,现在开始查验车票。

    I 'd like to check the present balance in my check account . We are arriving at the terminus of this line . Please have your tickets ready for inspection .

  16. 这是准备用来交付支票的存款余额。

    This is the balance to cover the check .

  17. 进入银行户主可通过电子系统即刻查找自己的支票活期存款账户。(或:银行客户可通过电子系统立即取出活期存款。)

    Bank customers can have access to their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system .

  18. 有一种计算方法把能当作支票户口存款使用的一切有息存款计算在内。

    One measure includes deposits in all interest-bearing accounts that can be used like checking accounts .

  19. 这是准备用来交付支票的存款余额。他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。

    This is the balance to cover the check . They armored themselves against the possible attack .

  20. 顾客:噢,这就是为什么我们必须使用磁性密码支票和存款单的原因。

    C : Oh , that 's why we must use magnetically encoded checks and deposit slips .

  21. 请于支票、存款单正本背面清楚参加者姓名、身份证号码、及联络电话号码。

    Please write clearly the participant name , ID card no. , contact no. at the back of the cheque or cash deposit slip .

  22. 在会计学中,现金包括硬币、币、行汇票、款单和支票,存款在银行和储蓄机构的存款。

    In accounting , cash includes coins , paper money , bank drafts , money orders and checks , and money on deposit with banks or savings institutions .

  23. 所有的每月账单和收据,工资条和其他任何收支记录。支票,存款或退休账单。

    All of your monthly bills and receipts , pay stubs and any other records of income and expenses . Statements for your checking , savings and retirement accounts .

  24. 这个想法来自于我的朋友Trent(参见网站),他每周从支票账户往存款账户转20美金。

    I got this idea from my friend Trent at The Simple Dollar , who automatically deducts $ 20 a week from his check to savings .

  25. 他到银行去把支票存入了存款帐户。

    He went to the bank and paid the cheque in .

  26. 开个支票帐户最低存款要求是多少?

    What 's the minimun deposit for a checking account ?

  27. 他通知银行仅凭他签发的支票记入他存款的借方。

    He instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of checks drawn by himself .

  28. 这是您的支票簿和存款薄。请您在存款薄上填好您存钱的数额。

    Here are your cheque-book and paying-in book , please fill the amount of your deposit in the paying-in book .

  29. 开一个支票户头200元存款够了吗?

    Will 200 dollar deposit be enough for opening a checking account ?

  30. 以及我的支票,我的存款

    And my checking account , my savings account ,