
  • 网络payment mechanism
  1. 已有的pub-sub系统支付机制尚有许多缺陷,无法满足实际需求。

    Existing pub sub payment mechanism has many faults , and is not appropriate for actual application .

  2. 供应链知识共享代理关系及其支付机制

    Principal-agency Relationship and Payment Mechanism of Supply Chain Knowledge-sharing

  3. Publish-Subscribe系统支付机制研究

    Study on Payment Scheme for Publish-Subscribe Systems

  4. 考虑到三种常见的支付机制:固定支付、奖励机制与惩罚机制,构建了信息不对称条件下的质量与交货期联合决策模型。

    In view of three pay mechanisms such as fixed payment , bonus and penalty mechanism , the joint decision-making model is presented .

  5. 人们可以在工作时通过薪酬支付机制购买国债,也可以通过金融机构或者网上银行(资金在这里已经转手)购买。

    Treasuries could be bought on the job via payroll mechanisms or at financial institutions or via online banking - where money already changes hands .

  6. 我深深的相信对于所有的每一个出口商,谨慎的了解出口支付机制和货代是最为重要的。

    I strongly believe that it is of utmost importance for each and every exporter to have extensive knowledge of export payment mechanisms and extend credit cautiously .

  7. 通过对契约参数的调节,设计合理的延迟支付机制,可以有效地促进供应链各方的合作,提高各方利润。

    Through the regulation of contract parameters , the contract of delay in payment , designed reasonably , can be effective in promoting cooperation on the parts of the supply chain .

  8. 第四部分研究了见索即付保函法律制度中的几个核心法律问题。首先是各方当事人的法律关系,其次是支付机制,最后是欺诈和不当索赔问题。

    The forth part focuses on several core legal problems of the legal system of Demand Guarantee including the legal relationship of the parties , the payment mechanism , the fraud and improper demand .

  9. 因此,有必要在支付机制、成本费用约束和外在监督等方面实现对医生的激励相容,以规范医疗行为,切实降低医疗费用。

    Therefore , it is necessary to realize incentive compatibility in aspect as payment mechanism , cost expense restraint , external surveillance and so on to standard medical behavior and reduce the medical expense .

  10. 同时还要不断完善我国财政补贴政策的补贴重点,改进财政补贴转移支付机制,提高财政资金的利用效率。

    Meanwhile , China should constantly improve the focal point of subsidy in China 's policy on financial subsidy , promote the transferring payment system in the financial subsidy , and increase the efficiency in the financial funds .

  11. 电子商务涉及计算机研究和应用的许多领域,既包括顾客从不同商家收集信息的过程,也包括商家之间或商家内部之间的货物调配、系统安全性保障、支付机制、仓储管理等过程。

    E-commerce involves many computer fields . It includes not only the process of collecting information from stores , but also the processes of goods preparation among or within stores , security guarantee , payment mechanism and storage management .

  12. [结论]通过改革管理体制、加强技术培训、改革报酬支付机制等措施来改善乡村两级医疗机构不合理用药状况。

    [ Conclusion ] Reform the management system , strengthen the technique training and reform the mechanism of reward of rural doctors are the possible ways to improve the status of clinical unreasonable use of drugs in town-ship hospitals and village clinics .

  13. 本文在设计出流域生态服务付费市场机制的总体框架后,分别探索了流域生态服务的供求机制、价格机制和支付机制,识别出流域生态服务的市场参与者及其他们对生态服务的供给和需求。

    After design of the overall framework of market mechanism for watershed PES , this thesis explored separately the supply-demand mechanism , pricing mechanism , and payment mechanism , then identified the market participants and their demand and supply of ecosystem services .

  14. 本论文试图从理顺财政转移支付机制入手,建立起保障农村义务教育经费的长效机制,解决制约农村义务教育发展的资金瓶颈问题,促进农村义务教育的健康持续发展。

    This paper tries to straighten out the mechanism , to establish the persistent effect mechanism to safeguard the countryside compulsory education funds , to solve the bottleneck questions that restrict the countryside compulsory education development and to promote the countryside compulsory education to develop well and continually .

  15. 学者大多认为,在医疗保险这种第三方支付机制下,患者和医生都对医疗服务价格不敏感,使得医疗费用不断升级。

    Most scholars believe that medical insurance , as a third-party payment , is an important reason for the excessive growth of medical costs in modern society . Under this third-party payment mechanism , neither patients nor doctors are sensitive to prices and as a result escalates medical costs .

  16. 本文正是基于上述思想,创造性的利用了时间Petri网技术构建敏捷供需链模型,并利用旁支付激励机制提高和优化了整个敏捷供需链运作效率。

    Based on what 's mentioned above , this article creatively takes advantage of timed-petri net technology in the construction of ASC net modeling and side payment driving system to promote and optimize the running efficiency during the operation of timed-petri net in ASC .

  17. 当供应链的服务水平大于等于0.5,引入线性转移支付补偿机制,可以实现供应链的渠道协调,获得供应链成员收益的Pareto改进。

    When the service level of the supply chain is more than or equal to 0.5 , after linear transfer payment compensating mechanism is introduced , Pareto improvement of the supply chain actor 's profit is achieved , and supply chain channel coordination is attained .

  18. 分散式供应链中旁支付激励机制的研究

    Research on side payment incentive mechanism in distributed supply chain

  19. 中国的移动支付市场机制与效率研究

    China 's Mobile Market for Payments : The Market Mechanism and Efficiency

  20. 构建适合中国国情的外汇交易同时支付结算机制

    Construction of PVP Settlement on China 's FX Transaction

  21. 一类供应链的线性转移支付激励机制研究

    Research on Linear Transfer Payment Incentive Mechanism of One Kind of Supply Chain

  22. 并就以承包商垫资作为工程业主融资手段及政府工程利用优惠转移作为担保手段等与业主支付担保机制相关的问题进行论述。

    A new financing method and the favor transfer of government project are mentioned .

  23. 然而,项目业主是否采用旁支付激励机制,需综合考虑项目设计的价值、补偿和惩罚系数等因素。

    However , if a owner uses the side payment mechanism depends on the value of the design and compensation and punishment coefficients .

  24. 针对1个项目业主和2个设计承包商组成的设计外包体系,利用博弈论和信息经济学理论和方法,研究了在合约不完全条件下,该旁支付激励机制对项目业主收益的影响。

    The influences of the proposed mechanism on the profit of the project owner under an incomplete contract was analyzed using game theory and the principle of information economics .

  25. 利用博弈论和信息经济学理论和方法,研究了在产品价格固定、需求是随机的情况下,该旁支付激励机制对供应商和零售商收益产生的影响;

    By using the game theory and the economics of information , we study the influence on profit of supplier and retailers brought about by this side payment incentive mechanism , on the condition that price of product is constant and demands are random .

  26. 对带有转移支付招标机制和最高限价招标机制分析表明,不同的招标机制在降低开发成本、增加供给量、揭示开发企业的实际成本和提高社会福利水平等方面,都具有不同的影响。

    The analysis of bidding mechanism with transfer payment and bidding mechanism with price caps shows that the different bidding mechanisms have different effects on reducing development cost , increasing supply quantity , revealing the true cost of developer , and enhancing the level of social welfare .

  27. 建立建筑业农民工工资支付长效保护机制的思考

    Long-Effective Protection Mechanism on Peasants-workers ′ Payment of Construction Industry in Legal View

  28. 移动支付系统安全机制研究

    Research on Security Mechanism of Mobile Payment System

  29. 尽管分税制下政府间转移支付的再分配机制促进了地区间财政收入与支出的均等化,但未能抵消再分配前省际间差距扩大的趋势;

    And the redistribution mechanisms , all kinds of intergovernmental transfers in tax federalism , have been reducing the degree of the equality , but the disparity is still expanding .

  30. 因此,在我国即将建立第三方支付市场准入机制之际,本文选择对第三方支付市场准入法律制度进行研究具有积极的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is significant that studying the legal regulations of market access for third-party payment when our country is going to establish the market access system for it .