
chè huí quán
  • right of withdrawal
  1. 特别是在欧洲,许多国家已将消费者撤回权作为一项独立的消费者权利。

    Especially in the European Union , many scholars take the right of withdrawal as an independent consumer rights .

  2. 在美国,消费者享有的类似权利救济更多地来源于商业实践中广泛而成熟的无因退货制度,它在一定程度上弥补了消费者撤回权立法的不足。

    But there is extensive and mature return policy in American business practices , which to a certain extent have the similar effects as the right of withdrawal , and make up for the deficiencies of the legislation .

  3. 应当抓住《消费者权益保护法》修改的机会在法律中明确规定消费者享有撤回权。

    We should take the opportunity of amendment of consumer protection law to make it clear that the consumers are entitled to withdraw .

  4. 世界上很多国家都设立了消费者撤回权制度,这逐渐成为一种立法趋势。

    This system is established in many foreign countries . It is a popular trend to include the right to withdraw in law system .

  5. 德国民法典中早已建立了完整的消费者撤回权制度,美国在上世纪也建立了与之相对应的冷却期制度,而在英国,消费者可以通过行使取消权,撤回其购买商品的意思表示。

    In America , there is cooling-off period established in the last century . In England , the consumers have cancellation rights and withdraw their intention to buy goods .

  6. 在效力待定合同制度中,法律赋予相关第三人以承认权,赋予相对人以催告权和撤回权。承认只能向合同的相对人行使。

    The system of contract with pending validity , the law endows the interrelated third party with the right of acceptance and endows the counterpart with the right of admission and withdrawing .

  7. 赠与人的任意撤回权与赠与合同的诺成性攸关,是旨在弥补赠与被立法确认为诺成合同后对赠与人要求过苛的弊端而设计的救济性手段。

    The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely , and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract .

  8. 为了完善我国预期违约制度,应当明确预期违约的概念,救济方法,时间期限,规定撤回权。

    In order to consummate our country anticipatory breach system , must be clear about the concept of anticipatory breach , the method of relief , time , stipulate the right of withdraw .

  9. 消费冷却期制度就是现代社会新兴交易方式的产物之一,这一制度赋予了消费者在一定期限内的无条件合同撤回权。

    Consumption of cooling-off period System is one of products in the emerging modern society ; the system gives the unconditional rights of withdrawing the contract to the consumers within a certain period .

  10. 此外,我国商业实践中的无因退货制度尚处于起步阶段,对消费者撤回权立法的补充作用非常有限。

    In addition , the business practice of return policy in China is still in its early stage and its complementary role to the withdrawal right as in the United States is very limited .

  11. 赠与人的撤销权为民法撤销权体系中的特例之一,它实际上应被称为撤回权,并具有后悔权的意义,在性质上更类似于解除权。

    As an exception of the system of right of revocation , the right of revocation of the donator should be named by " right to recall the declaration of will at-will " and means that the donator enjoys the right to regret .

  12. 而英美法系国家,检察官拥有较大限度的自由裁量权,包括撤回公诉权。

    The common law countries , prosecutors have more discretion limits , including the right to withdraw the indictment .

  13. 因此,世界各国都根据实际情况,赋予了检察机关不同程度的撤回公诉权。

    As a result , different notions have endowed the censorate power to withdraw the public prosecution to a certain degree based on their own conditions .

  14. 检察机关撤回起诉权属于公诉变更权的一种,而公诉变更权又权属于公诉权的一种。

    The system of prosecuting authority to withdraw prosecution is one of the changing rights of prosecution , and the changing right of prosecution belongs to prosecution rights .

  15. 由于撤回起诉权的法律地位缺失,同时它又直接关系控、辩、审三方关系,对当事人的权益及法院的审判权产生重大的影响。

    The absence of legal status of withdrawing prosecution right which directly influences the relation among prosecution , attorney and the court , influences the rights and interests of defendants and the judicial power of the court greatly .

  16. 撤回起诉作为公诉权的一项重要权能,世界绝大多数国家、地区都在不同程度上赋予了公诉机关以撤回起诉的权力。

    Withdraw to prosecute indictable right an important power , the vast majority of countries in the world , in varying degrees , given the powers of the Public Prosecution to withdraw charges .

  17. 撤回公诉是公诉权中公诉变更权的一种具体表现形式,提起公诉后,如果断定具有不起诉事由时,可以撤回公诉。

    The withdrawal of public prosecution is one concrete form of public prosecution alteration rights . The public prosecution could be withdrawn if the prosecutor judges that there is no cause to bring a lawsuit after prosecuting .

  18. 但无论是实行当事人主义诉讼模式的国家,还是实行职权主义诉讼模式的国家,都试图通过对撤回公诉的限制性法律规定来避免或减少撤回公诉权的滥用。

    However , all countries attempt to avoid or reduce the abuse of prosecution through restrictive legal regulations .