
  • 网络indemnity;Compensation for Damage;compensation
  1. 在损害补偿额度问题上,笔者把损害补偿额与保险金额、保险价值和实际损失这几个相关概念进行了比较,进而确立了几个概念间的相互关系。

    On the magnitude of indemnity , the writer has compared it with the insurance amount , the insurable value and the actual damage , and then confirmed the correlation between them .

  2. 它以贯彻保险法的损害补偿原则为自己的根本出发点,但其功能和意义又远不止防止被保险人获得超额利益、避免道德风险的发生。

    It is based on the principle of indemnity , but its functions are far beyond to prevent the insured to obtain the profits which exceed his actual loss and to avoid the occurrence of moral hazard .

  3. 保险损害补偿原则研究&兼论我国保险合同立法分类之重构

    A Research on the Doctrine of Insurance Damage

  4. 我国建立避孕药品不良反应损害补偿扶助制度的探讨

    The Discussion on Establishing the Social Supporting System for Contraceptives Adverse Reaction in China

  5. 第二节是对环境侵权损害补偿基金的研究。

    The second section is the fund of the compensation for damage from environmental tort .

  6. 保险损害补偿是保险合同法上诸多制度体系的一个基石。

    The principle of indemnity is the cornerstone of several policy systems in contract law for insurance .

  7. 事实上,损害补偿原则即是这些问题的中心。

    In fact , the principle of compensation for the damage is the core of all these questions .

  8. 它与现实损害补偿制度相辅相成,共同构成了生态补偿机制。

    That is complement with the reality damage compensation system , nd together form the ecological compensation mechanism .

  9. 第一节讨论和评析了我国《侵权责任法》关于医疗损害补偿制度和医疗行为侵权的规定。

    Section I analyzed " Tort Liability Act " on medical malpractice tort compensation system and medical practice requirements .

  10. 如果从损害补偿原则的角度来看保险利益的主体问题,将可解决现行制度上常发生的争议。

    To solve the problems , we try to analyze the problem of insurance interest through the principle of compensation for the damage .

  11. 本文介绍我国目前药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿存在的问题和对策。

    This issue introduces the existing problems and corresponding countermeasure about the compensation to the subjects impairment in Chinese clinical drug trial nowadays .

  12. 此外,本文认为采取多种损害补偿制度综合作用的混合体制更能兼顾个人自由及责任与社会安全两个基本价值。

    In addition , the adoption of the mixed compensation system can contain two basic values & personal freedom and liability and social security .

  13. 此外,还论述了在特定情况下婚约当事人的精神损害补偿责任。

    In addition , it discusses , under the specific circumstances , the parties responsible for damage compensation for the spirit damage of engagement .

  14. 相同的是它们都具有损害补偿功能,它们共同的目标是弥补受害人的损失。

    The same is that they have compensation for the damage functions , their common goal is to compensate for the loss of the victim .

  15. 双反调查超出了其对国内产业受到的实质性损害补偿的限度,对我国的出口贸易造成了损害。

    Double reverse survey of exceeded its domestic industry is substantial damage compensation in our country , the extent of the damage caused by export trade .

  16. 全文旨在说明我国人身死亡赔偿制度应该符合民事损害补偿的基本要求。

    The whole paper is to present the view that fits the compensa - tion system for personal death to the basic requests for compensations for civil damages .

  17. 在保险代位权的适用范围上,立法者应补充规定具有损害补偿性质的人身保险合同也可以适用保险代位权。

    For the scope of application of insurance subrogation , legislator should make supplementary provision that insurance subrogation can also be adopted by insurance contract with personal damage compensation .

  18. 即要让保险理赔充分发挥出损害补偿的功能,又要实现侵权损害赔偿惩罚与预防的功能。

    That is , to make insurance claims give full play to the damage compensation , but also achieve the function of the punishment and prevention of tort damages .

  19. 从保险的创立原意来看,损害补偿原则的贯彻可以让保险的实施更合理,发展更健全。

    According to the PRC Insurance Law 's original founders ' desire , applying the principle of compensation for the damage can make the insurance function 's actualization more reasonable and developable .

  20. 在实体法方面,应该坚持总的原则,即重视损害补偿原则、侵权责任与行政责任、刑事责任并行不悖适用的原则。

    Concerning the substantial law , we should insist on the principle , as pay more attention to the compensation for damage of infringement , tort liability and administrative responsibility , criminal liability can go hand in hand .

  21. 探讨了野生动物伤害人畜补偿问题;总结了制定《陕西省重点保护陆生野生动物造成人身财产损害补偿办法》的过程;

    The issues is discussed to compensation for the man and livestock injured by wildlife through summarizing the procedure of making The Regulation of Indemnify on Man and Its Property Injured by Main Protected Terrestrial Wildlife of Shaanxi Province .

  22. 虽然绝大多数省份已经根据《野生动物保护法》的授权制定相应的《野生动物保护法实施条例》,但其中有关野生动物致人损害补偿的实体、程序制度的规定缺乏具体可操作性。

    Even though the most provinces has had their own enforcement regulations according to the authorization of the Wild Animals Protection Law , the substantive and procedural rules on compensation for physical damages caused by wild animals are still lack of practicality .

  23. 损害补偿原则是保险法中非常重要的原则,是保险法上诸多制度体系的基石。损害补偿原则在绝大多数的财产保险与很多人身保险中有着广泛的运用。

    The principle of indemnity , the cornerstone of several policy systems in contract law for insurance , is a very important principle of the Insurance law , and is widely used in most of property insurance and lots of personal insurance cases .

  24. 其后,民法本位由权利本位过渡到社会本位,危险责任也随之社会化,特别是与责任保险、无过失损害补偿制度协力,大大强化了对受害人的保护。

    Since then , China and France-based from the rights-based transition to a social standard , dangerous it also imposes obligations to society , particularly with the liability insurance , no-fault compensation system for damage to third-party , greatly strengthened the protection of victims .

  25. 目前我国药品不良反应损害补偿机制尚未建立,因药品不良反应损害补偿问题而产生的纠纷日渐增多,影响了社会的和谐稳定。

    At present , the damage compensation mechanism in our country about adverse drug reactions has not yet been established , and victims could not get relevant compensation , as a result medical disputes increase , which has affected the social harmony and stability .

  26. 摘要本文分析了药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿方面目前存在的问题,对药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿的一般原则、补偿标准的确定和补偿一般程序等问题进行探讨。

    This issue analyzes the existing problems of the compensation to the subjects ' impairment during clinical drug trial nowadays , giving discussion to the subjects of general principles of subjects ' impairment compensation , the determination of compensation standard and the general procedure of compensation .

  27. 而责任保险法中的保险利益原则、诚实信用原则、损害补偿原则和优先保护第三人原则也应与环境责任保险具体结合,为环境责任保险合同提供指导。

    The principle of insurable interest , the principle of good faith , the principle of indemnity and the principle of protecting preferentially the third party which contained in the liability insurance law should combine practically with environmental liability insurance to direct environmental liability insurance contact .

  28. 基于平衡学校、学生和保险人三方利益的考虑,本文提出侵权责任保险应遵循法律性与经济性相融合的保险利益原则和侵权赔偿与保险赔偿相融合的损害补偿原则。

    Based on balancing schools , students and the tripartite interest of the insurer , this paper tells that the principles of insurance benefits require that tort liability insurance should follow legal and economic model and the damages principle should combine tort damages and insurance claims for damage compensation .

  29. 其中填补损害的补偿功能是最基本的功能,其他三种功能必须以补偿功能为媒介或前提才能发挥作用。

    The compensating function is the most basic in these functions .

  30. 环境侵权损害公共补偿制度研究

    A Research on the Funding System of Damage Compensation for Environmental Tort