
  • 网络Fingerprinting
  1. 用于重要电子文件保护的数字水印和数字指纹算法研究

    Research on Digital Watermarking and Digital Fingerprinting Algorithm for Important Electronic File Protection

  2. 现有的数据库指纹算法存在版权认证与盗版追踪脱节,指纹检测运算量大等不足。

    Traditional algorithms of database fingerprinting have their shortcomings , including disjointed relation between copyright certification and traitor tracing , and high computational density of fingerprint detection .

  3. 采用了Rabin指纹算法将一个文件转换为一个文件特征值,并同病毒扫描引擎对该文件查毒后的结果一起存入缓存。

    It uses Rabin fingerprint algorithm which converts a file to a value of file characteristics and stores the value with the virus scan result which the virus scanning engine made into the cache .

  4. 深入研究了重复数据删除技术,对现有的重复数据删除技术进行补充和改进,进而建立了安全高效的重复数据删除策略。(2)研究了重复数据删除技术基于MD5的指纹算法。

    In-depth study of data de-duplication technology , to complement and improve the existing data de-duplication technology , thereby establishing a secure and efficient data de-duplication strategy . ( 2 ) Researching on data de-duplication technology is based on MD5 fingerprint algorithm .

  5. 目前利用指纹算法实现指纹定位,占有系统资源大始终是重复数据删除技术应用的瓶颈。

    Fingerprint algorithm is currently using fingerprint location , because occupying large system resources is always the data de-duplication technology bottleneck .

  6. 针对指纹算法研究中测试工作的重要性和复杂性,设计并开发了一个指纹算法辅助开发平台。

    Aimed at the importance and the complexity of the test in the research of fingerprint algorithm , an assistant development platform was designed and implemented .

  7. 对指纹算法的相似性、区分性、误码率和鲁棒性等技术特征进行了测试和分析,实验表明文中所述算法具有良好的性能,其正确识别率符合实际应用的要求。

    Some of the technical features , for example the similarity , distinction , bit error rate and robustness of the fingerprint algorithm , are tested and analyzed , experimental results show that the algorithm has good performance , and the correct recognition rate meets the requirement of practical application .

  8. 基于DSP的指纹处理算法研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Fingerprint Disposal Algorithm Based on DSP

  9. 基于FPGA的指纹识别算法硬件实现

    The Hardware Realization of Fingerprint Recognition Arithmetic Based on FPGA

  10. 将指纹识别算法IP核和指纹分类算法融合到嵌入式系统中。

    Fingerprint recognition algorithm IP Core and fingerprint classification algorithm are integrated into embedded systems .

  11. 研究基于Veriloghdl(硬件描述语言)的指纹识别算法IP核。

    Research fingerprint recognition algorithm IP core in Verilog HDL ( hardware description language ) .

  12. 基于FBI细节点的二次指纹配准算法及应用

    The Application of Fingerprint Matching Arithmetic Based on FBI Detailed Feature

  13. 通过对多种指纹分类算法的研究和分析,提出了一种基于BP神经网络对指纹模板进行分类的新算法。

    By studying and analyzing many algorithms for fingerprint recognition , this paper proposes a new algorithm for fingerprint recognition based on BP neural network .

  14. 该文针对低配置DSP内核下运行指纹识别算法要求低内存和低速的特点提出相应的设计方案。

    This paper aims at the low memory and low speed of fingerprint recognition system in low configure DSP situation and presents the corresponding design .

  15. 嵌入式PPC平台指纹识别算法优化及实现

    The Implementation and Arithmetic Improvement of Fingerprint Distinguish on the PPC Platform in Embedded System

  16. 最后,本文在PC机上用Turboc编程实现,并调试通过。测试结果表明,本指纹识别算法基本达到了识别指纹的要求。

    The algorithm was realized 、 debugged and tested successfully with TURBO C on PC , And experimental result shows that the algorithms almost meet the basic requirement of fingerprints identification .

  17. 利用Gabor滤波器的方向选择和频率选择特性,实现了一种基于Gabor滤波器的指纹识别算法。

    A fingerprint identification algorithm based on Gabor filter is discussed , using the features of direction and frequency selectivity of Gabor filter .

  18. 然后对基于RSSI(ReceivedSignalStrengthIndication)的位置指纹定位算法进行了深入研究,并给出了基于GMM的位置指纹定位算法。

    Then we conducted an in-depth research for the position of the fingerprint algorithm based on RSSI ( Received Signal Strength Indication ), and gave a GMM-based fingerprint positioning algorithm .

  19. 基于特征点匹配的指纹识别算法是目前在安防领域中使用最为广泛的指纹识别算法,通常可采用FPGA、DSP等硬件实现现场的实时处理。

    The fingerprint identification algorithm based on feature point matching is the most widely used one in security field , which actualizes real-time processing by adop-ting hardware such as FPGA and DSP .

  20. 在CCS软件集成环境下,对指纹识别算法进行了硬件仿真。

    The hardware-simulation of the fingerprint identification algorithm is accomplished in the integrated software-developing tool CCS ( Code Composer Studio ) .

  21. 将指纹比对算法嵌入COS安全芯片中,达到身份安全认证的目的。

    The fingerprint 's contrasting can be put into COS safety chip , so as to make the identification authentication of document be safety .

  22. 基于Fourier-Mellin变换的指纹匹配算法研究

    Research on Fingerprint Matching Using Fourier-Mellin Transform

  23. 基于此,本文在研究WIFI位置指纹定位算法的基础上,设计了一种WIFI定位仿真器。

    Therefore , in this thesis , the WIFI fingerprint location algorithm was studied firstly , then a WIFI location simulator has been designed .

  24. MD5算法是当今应用最广泛的提取数字指纹的算法,其采用复杂的线性运算和单向加密生成数字指纹。

    Message-Digest Algorithm 5 is a widely-used algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint . It is produced by complex linear operation and one-way encryption algorithm .

  25. 本文采用MVC设计模式进行系统设计,将指纹识别算法、系统功能操作和用户界面分开考虑,提高了系统安全性和系统集成性。

    MVC design pattern is used as system design , and separate the fingerprint identification arithmetic , system function and user interface to design to improve system security and system integration . 3 .

  26. 位置指纹定位算法主要有两个步骤:离线测量阶段和在线定位阶段,在离线测量阶段中,主要的工作是建立Radio-map。

    There are mainly two phases in the fingerprint algorithm : the off-line phase and the on-line phase .

  27. 分析了两种细化算法:快速细化算法,改进的OPTA算法,并在此基础上提出一种快速高效的指纹细化算法。

    After analysis of the rapid thinning algorithm and the improved OPTA method , a fast and efficient fingerprint algorithm thinning method is designed .

  28. 基于细化图像宏观弧线特征的指纹分类算法

    Fingerprint classification method based on macro arc feature of thinning image

  29. 基于动态全局特征的指纹匹配算法的研究

    Study of Fingerprint Matching Algorithm based on Dynamic Global Feature

  30. 支持向量机与指纹分类算法研究

    The Study of Support Vector Machine and Fingerprint Classification Algorithm