
zé xiào fèi
  • school-choosing fee
  1. 因此我方认为,现阶段中国不应该取消择校费。

    Therefore , we believe that China should not abolish the school-choosing fee .

  2. 同时择校费在一定程度上会缓解对热点学校的过分追捧。

    The school-choosing fee will also ease some extent of excessive pursuit for hot schools .

  3. 其一:在现阶段,收择校费具有合理性。

    Firstly : At this stage , school choosing fee is reasonable .

  4. 择校费是学校与学生双向选择的结果。

    School Choosing fee is a two-way selection of schools and students .

  5. 择校费的标准应当与教育成本挂钩,具有一定的科学性。

    The standard of selecting school fee should be tied to educational cost , have certain science .

  6. 择校费早已成为各个优势学校小金库的重要资金来源,更是滋生教育腐败的温床。

    The school-choosing fee is an important source of funds and the hotbed of breeding education corruption .

  7. 其三:在现阶段,废除择校费不具有可行性。

    Last but not least : At this stage , the abolition of school choosing fee is not feasible .

  8. 其二:在现阶段,择校费的废除首先不能解决现有的教育问题。

    Secondly : At this stage , the abolition of school-choosing fee can not solve the existing educational problems .

  9. 在现阶段教育资金不足情况下,学校收取择校费显然是必要且合理的。

    Under the pressure of insufficient funding for education , the school choosing fee charged is clearly necessary and reasonable .

  10. 择校费的取消需要充分考虑时机问题,改革不能一蹴而就。

    The cancellation of School Choosing needs to be fully considered as a matter of timing , the reform can not be accomplished overnight .

  11. 在义务教育阶段的选择性教育收费问题上,肯定择校费的合法地位并规范其收费标准;

    In compulsory education phase , the charge of selectivity education should be within the law , and the criterion of charge adjusted and standardized according to society situation .

  12. 择校现象是一种普遍的社会现象,在中国择校生、择校费成为世界罕见、中国特有的现象。

    School selecting , as a common social phenomenon , its related " school selecting students " and " school selecting fees " are rare in the world but unique in China .