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zhāo huǎnɡ
  • shop sign
  1. 招幌广告是中国古代社会商业广告的一种重要形式。

    Billboard is one of important commercial advertisements in ancient China .

  2. 作者全面、系统地收集、整理了中国古代招幌图片资料。

    The author comprehensive , systematic collection , sorting the ancient Chinese called image information reel .

  3. 传统招幌是中国古代商业社会中不可或缺的行业标识和宣传手段。

    Chinese traditional signs were an indispensable part of trade marks and propaganda in the business field in the ancient China .

  4. 有些旨在修旧如故,恢复其历史容貌;有些则与现代化的光电技术和广告手段相结合,形成各种富有时代感的招幌形式。

    Some aim to rebuild their original appearance ; others combine with modern photo-electricity and means of ads , then various kinds of commercial forms turn into being .

  5. 招幌是中国传统商业文化的精髓,它产生于民间创作,在市井文化的熏陶下发展成为民族传统的视觉传达艺术。

    Signboard is the essence of traditional Chinese of commercial culture ; Under the influence of culture , it for development with the national characteristics of visual art .

  6. 然而,宋元时期招幌的设计寓意不止体现在外在美的感官渲染,更渗透于意境层面的审美传递中。

    However , the implication of the design of the Song and Yuan Dynasties signboard more than reflected in the external beauty of the sensory rendering , more penetration in artistic conception of aesthetic transfer .

  7. 由使用者自发建造的立面附属物(牌匾、招幌、户外广告牌等)被认为是最具东亚特色的城市景观。它们与东亚现代地域性的联系愈加被人重视。

    The Fixture on fades plaque , signboard , Outdoor AD built by users spontaneously are regarded as the most typical east Asian urban landscape whose relationship with east Asia modern regionalism is being paid more attention to .

  8. 作为一种民间商业文化艺术形态,中国传统招幌历史悠久,具有特定的社会功能,显示出较强的传承性和鲜明的民族性特质。

    The long history of the Chinese traditional recruit reel , as a kind of has a specific social function of the folk art form business culture , showing the sharp nationality and the consistency of the strong characteristics .