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  • 网络Photographer;FZONE;ProCamera;Blog;merry christmas
  1. 街拍牵扯利益回报,让KatzSinding避谈自己是“街头时尚”拍客。

    This transactional aspect of image-making has made Katz Sinding wary of describing himself as a " street-style " photographer .

  2. 当今的拍客一族无疑是艺术家、摄影家身份的一种稀释和泛化。

    The new generation of shutterbugs nowadays is no doubt the diluted presence of artist and photographer .

  3. 这种经营,竟使我的朋友们当我是一个地产拍客。

    This experience entitled me to be regarded as a sort of real-estate broker by my friends .

  4. 拍客所拍摄的视频,势必会引起我们对另一种信息流动方式的关注。

    Video shot by shot off , is bound to cause the flow of information on another concern .

  5. 手机拍客们拍摄的阿拉伯暴乱以及美国龙卷风的视频和照片在社交网络中广泛传播并且为电视报道所引用。

    Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts .