
  • 网络Lakatos;Imre Lakatos;Roby Lakatos;Lakatos,Imre
  1. 库恩和拉卡托斯模糊了划界标准,使之成为相对标准;

    Kuhn and Lakatos blur the criteria and make it relative .

  2. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  3. 拉卡托斯拟经验主义数学观与启示

    Conception of Mathematics of Lakatos ' Quasi-empiricism and Inspiration

  4. 拉卡托斯的知识论是目前最优秀的知识理论之一。

    Lakatos ' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today .

  5. 科学史的合理重建与社会学重构&拉卡托斯与夏平科学编史学思想之比较

    The Rational and Sociological Reconstructions of History of Science

  6. 试论拉卡托斯数学哲学思想的产生背景和思想根源

    The formation of Lakatos ' mathematical philosophy : its background and ideological roots

  7. 知识的进步与进步的知识&拉卡托斯的知识论及其在教育中的意义

    The Progress of Knowledge and the Progressive knowledge

  8. 拉卡托斯将科学史分为内部历史和外部历史。

    Lakatos divides the history of science into " internal history " and " external history " .

  9. 波普、库恩、拉卡托斯科学哲学思想之比较肯恩正在牛津大学学习经济。

    A Comparative Study on Scientific Philosophy of Popper , Kuhn , Lakatos ; Ken is doing economics at Oxford University .

  10. 本文通过对当时数学哲学及科学哲学研究状况的分析,在一个广阔的背景下探讨了拉卡托斯数学哲学思想形成和发展的思想根源。

    The present paper attempts an analysis of the formation of Lakatos ' mathematical philosophy and its ideological roots against their academic background .

  11. 表面证伪继承了拉卡托斯证伪的过程性,又恢复了波普尔意义上证伪的否定性,在该原则中处于核心地位。

    " Ostensible falsification " played a kernel role in this principle with the combination of the process character in Lakatos 's falsification and negative character in Popper 's falsification .

  12. 文章分析了拉卡托斯科学编史学思想的三大特点,总结了他人对拉卡托斯科学编史学观点的批评与相关修正,并指出拉卡托斯的科学编史学思想对于科学编史学的实践所具有的现实意义。

    The paper analyses the three characteristics of Lakatos ' historiography thought of science , summarizes the related criticisms and modification , and presents its realistic significance on practice of historiography of science .

  13. 波普尔、库恩和拉卡托斯之间的争论代表证伪主义与历史主义之间的争论,其理论都与迪昂问题密切相关,事实上,他们直接或间接地对迪昂问题给出不同的解答或对待。

    The arguments between Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos represented the controversy of falsificationism and Historicism , whose standpoints closely correlated with the Duhem problem . In fact , they all had provided different solutions directly or indirectly .

  14. 把认识论解释学与拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领之间的内在关联进行对比分析,有助于进一步加深对这两种理论特别是对后者的理解。

    The paper attempts to contrast and analyze the internal links between epistemological hermeneutics and Lakatos ' Research Programs of the historiography of science in three aspects for a better understanding of the two theories , especially the latter one .

  15. 对理论的嗜好和操作问题的轻薄,使得像迪昂、波普尔、库恩、拉卡托斯和费耶阿本德等这样一些颇有声望的科学哲学家也不能对实验作出令人信服的真知灼见般的评判。

    The famous philosophers like Duhem , Popper , Kuhn , Lakatos , Feyerabend and so on can not make a convincing real judgment about the experiment because of the hobby of theory and the ignorance of the operational issues .