
chōu xiànɡ fānɡ fǎ
  • abstract method
  1. 这是您必须实现的Actor特征中的抽象方法。

    This is an abstract method in the Actor trait that you must implement .

  2. RAP片段抽象方法的实现与RCP不同。

    The RAP fragment abstract method implementation is different from RCP .

  3. 抽象方法必须用abstract关键字限定,且必须只由一个方法签名组成。

    Abstract methods must be qualified by the abstract keyword and must consist of a method signature only .

  4. TemplateMethod模式定义了基类算法的骨架,使用了抽象方法和覆盖将具体细节放到子类中。

    The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class , using abstract methods and overriding to defer individual details to child classes .

  5. 这意味着,抽象方法应包括abstract关键字、可选的可见度修改符、function关键字,以及圆括号内可选的参数列表。

    That means that they should include the abstract keyword , optionally a visibility modifier , the function keyword , and an optional list of arguments in parentheses .

  6. 在显示的窗口中,指明您希望Eclipse创建继承的抽象方法。

    In the window that displays , specify that you want Eclipse to create the inherited abstract methods .

  7. 要使用ABC,子类必须继承自此ABC并且还要覆盖其抽象方法。

    To use an ABC , a subclass must inherit from the ABC and override its abstract methods .

  8. WebServicesGateway灵活的抽象方法旨在为这些问题提供解决方案,并且鼓励更好地使用像应用程序和流程这样的资产。

    The flexible abstracted approach of the Web Services Gateway is designed to provide a solution for these problems and encourage greater use of assets such as applications and processes .

  9. 抽象方法getNewRGB(Color)由单独的过滤器定义。

    The abstract getNewRGB ( Color ) method is defined by individual filters .

  10. Ada语言的数据抽象方法

    Data abstraction method with Ada

  11. 这也就意味着在与数据库交互时,Hibernate提供了多级抽象方法。

    What this means is that Hibernate provides you with one more level of abstraction when interacting with a database .

  12. 如果方法的前缀使用@abstractmethod修饰符(decorator),那么此方法就是一个抽象方法。

    A method is abstract if it 's preceded with the decorator @ abstractmethod .

  13. 因此,我们将RESTful服务的结果保存到测试文件内,并创建了一个抽象方法来获得给定REST调用的URL。

    Therefore , we saved the RESTful service results into test files , and created an abstraction method to obtain the URL for a given REST call .

  14. 然后我们将完成Servlet实现,它是由三个专门为Bigtable定制的抽象方法组成的。

    Then we 'll work through the servlet implementation , which consists of three abstract methods customized for Bigtable .

  15. 运用面向对象的分析方法对空间钢结构CAD软件系统进行分析,在传统的面向对象有限元方法基础上,提出了采用多继承和多层抽象方法实现空间钢结构CAD软件的方法。

    Spatial steel structure CAD ( SSSCAD ) system is analyzed by object-oriented analysis method . Based on the object-oriented finite element method , multiple inheritance and multiple level abstraction methods are presented to realize this software system .

  16. 目前的计划和目标是lambdas有助于“单一抽象方法”接口。

    The current plans and proposals for lambdas favor " single abstract method " interfaces .

  17. 把UML到ACME的转换结合模板方法,放在中间阶段作为抽象方法来描述,UML到XML的转换作为最终的转换结果,进行优化组合,达到相得益彰的目的。

    We integrate template method with translating method of UML to ACME , and this integrated method acts as abstract method in middle stage , method of UML to XML acts as final translating result .

  18. 抽象方法processResponse由子类实现。

    The abstract method processResponse will be implemented by the sub-classes .

  19. BuildXSD是必须在每个具体后续类中重写的抽象方法。

    BuildXSD is the abstract method that must be overriden in each concrete descendent .

  20. Fairley在设计一节中,专注模块化和结构化,阶梯式改进,和从此以后就被取代或极大提高的抽象方法。

    Fairley 's chapter on design concentrates on modules and structure , stepwise refinement , and abstraction & methods that have been either superseded or greatly improved upon since then .

  21. 最简单的方式,是扩展RecordingCommand类,并执行doExecute()抽象方法,来完成需要的模型改变。

    The simplest way to create a command is to extend the RecordingCommand class and implement the doExecute () abstract method to perform the required model changes .

  22. 抽象方法'%s'没有定义

    No definition for abstract method ' % s ' allowed

  23. 过程式语言到函数式语言的抽象方法

    A program abstraction method from procedural language to functional language

  24. 声明抽象方法的任何类本身必须是声明为抽象的。

    Any class that declares an abstract method must itself be declared abstract .

  25. 空间拓扑关系定量描述与抽象方法研究

    Research on Quantitative Representation and Abstraction of Spatial Topological Relation between Two Regions

  26. 抽象方法{0}必须在抽象类中定义

    Abstract method ' { 0 } ' must be defined in an abstract class

  27. 请记住,您需要为类添加必要的继承抽象方法。

    Remember that you need to add the necessary inherited abstract methods for your class .

  28. 不允在抽象方法上呼叫。

    Call not allowed on abstract methods .

  29. 有很多种抽象方法可以把这些元素视为组件

    There are a number of abstract ways that we can look at these elements as components

  30. 目标间顺序关系的提取及其抽象方法

    Goal Ordering Extraction and Abstract Method