
  • 网络Mortgage,price of;loan rate;collateral value
  1. 房地产抵押价格的本质及其评估研究

    Study of Essence of the Price to be Mortgaged Real Estate and Appraisal

  2. 期房抵押价格评估探析

    On Price Evaluation of Forward House Mortgage

  3. 房地产抵押价格应根据其价格本质,按本文所述思路评估。

    The appraisal of the price to be mortgaged real estate must be made strictly based on the essence of the price by the scientific method in this article .

  4. 那些基于抵押贷款价格的复杂金融工具获得了过分高的评级,被广泛指责为引爆全球金融危机的原因之一。

    Overgenerous ratings of complex financial instruments based on mortgage prices were widely blamed as helping to set off the global financial crisis .

  5. 今日的价格水平,就如同身陷信用风暴中的债务抵押债券价格一样可靠。

    Today 's level , though , is about as reliable as the price of a collateralized-debt obligation in the depths of the credit crunch .

  6. 因此,对房地产市场进行宏观调控,是避免经济大起大落和控制住房抵押贷款价格波动进而控制风险的有效措施之一。

    Therefore , the macro-control of the real estate market is one measure to avoid the economy big ups and down , can control the mortgage .

  7. 坚持保守性,就是要低估抵押房地产价格,目的是保证贷款安全,根源于防范评估风险。

    Conservation in valuation means undervalue real estate for the sake of safety .

  8. 我国抵押房地产价格评估风险及风险管理

    Risks in Mortgaged Real estate Appraisal and Risk Management

  9. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  10. 浅议抵押房地产价格评估风险

    Risks in Mortgaged Real Estate Appraisal

  11. 农用地质量价格为农用地使用权的承包、租赁、入股、转包、拍卖、抵押等具体价格的计算提供依据。

    The agricultural land quality price could provide the foundation for the agricultural land use rights of contracted , lease , system of stock share , re-contracted , auction , mortagage , and others like this specific prices .

  12. 如何降低抵押房地产价格评估风险,保护金融机构和评估机构自身的利益,推动我国抵押贷款市场的健康发展,就成了当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    In order to protect the profit of financial organizations and appraisal companies , and promote the developing of mortgage loan market in our country , how to reduce the risks in mortgaged real estate appraisal is the problem that has to be solved currently .

  13. 本文MBS提前偿付风险模型是建立在考虑抵押利率和房屋价格变化的基础上,提出了运用蒙特卡罗模拟对MBS进行定价的方法,并运用案例进行了模拟定价。

    In the paper , the prepayment risk of MBS is based on considering mortgage - backed interest rate and house price . Furthermore , the paper puts forward a MBS pricing method of Monte Carlo simulation , and the pricing model of MBS is analyzed by case .

  14. 由于可能遭遇“受损物品拍卖”,同类抵押贷款担保资产价格普遍下跌,并导致该市场主要的衍生品指数跌至历史新低。

    The prospect of a " fire sale " knocked down prices for similar mortgage-backed assets and sent a key derivative index for the market to record lows .

  15. 麦晋桁说,随着杠杆贷款和抵押贷款资产的价格和潜在回报率日渐显现出吸引力,摩根士丹利将考虑购入此类资产组合。

    The chairman and chief executive of Morgan Stanley said the investment bank would consider buying portfolios of leveraged loans and mortgage assets as their prices and potential returns were becoming attractive .

  16. 存货抵押贷款中,信用风险主要来源于抵押物价格和流动性风险,信贷人确定适当的利率和贷款价值比能够有效缓释信用风险。

    Determining certain interest rate and loan to value ratio ( LTV ) can make creditors mitigate credit risk , which comes from the price risk and liquidity risk of collateral in inventory pledge loan .

  17. 本文还对抵押评估情况的分类及评估基准日的选定,抵押价格的作用提出了见解。

    Some opinions on classification of mortgage valuation , selection of the date of valuation and purpose of mortgage price are also mentioned here .