
  • 网络investment and financing system;investment and financial system;investment and fund-raising system
  1. 中国国有资本财政投融资体制的缺陷与矫正

    The Defects of the State Financial Capital Investment and Fund-raising System and Its Rectification

  2. 基础设施的发展仅靠政府资本的力量是远远不够的,扩大基础领域的投资必须与加快基础设施投融资体制改革同步进行。

    Only the governmental capital can hardly meet the development of infrastructure . The increase of the infrastructure investment must be paced with the speed-up of the reform on infrastructure investment and fund-raising system .

  3. PPP模式与教育投融资体制改革

    PPP Model and Reform of System of Educational Investment and Finance

  4. 论投融资体制对内资BOT的限制

    Discussion on the Restrictions and Limits of Investment and Financing System to BOT Model with Folk Capital

  5. 面对WTO的新竞争环境,只有加快金融创新的步伐,特别是投融资体制的改革。为此,应加快发展投资基金,使以商业银行为主体的间接融资为主逐渐发展为直接融资为主。

    In the face of competition of WTO , we have to quicken our financial innovation , especially in the aspect of reformation of investment and financing .

  6. 在国家新一轮投融资体制改革的背景下,X企业经历了组建和成长,肩负着湖北省部分高速公路路域资产经营的使命。

    Under the circumstances of a new round of investment structure reform , venture X experienced formation and growth , and undertook the mission of operating highway area asset of Hubei Province .

  7. 加入WTO,对我国水利发展的影响主要表现在对政府行为和行业管理、水利投融资体制、水利基础设施建设、水利工程建筑市场、供水和水电市场、水利企业及工程管理单位的影响。

    The impact of WTO entry to water resources development appears mainly on government actions and sector management , finance system , basic water infrastructure construction , construction market of water works , water supply and hydropower market , water enterprises and engineering management units .

  8. 随着我国现有的公用事业供给机制特别是投融资体制改革的不断深化,作为国际通行并最具代表性的BOT、TOT、PPP等项目融资模式已开始逐步引入国内。

    With the continuous progress made in the supply mechanism of public utility in China especially the system of investing and financing , the prevalent project financing models such as BOT , TOT and PPP have been introduced to China .

  9. 铁路投融资体制改革若干问题的思考

    Reflection upon Several Issues of Railway Investment and Financing System Reform

  10. 我国铁路投资公平性问题和投融资体制改革的研究

    Research on the Regional Equity and Financing Problems of China Railway

  11. 论投融资体制改革与云南发展

    On Innovation in Investment and Financing System and Development of Yunnan

  12. 中国农业高技术产业投融资体制浅析

    Analysis of Financial Investment and Accommodation System of Agricultural High-tech Industries

  13. 投融资体制直接影响到投资主体以及资金来源。

    The investment and financing system influence investor and money source .

  14. 改革投融资体制拓宽投融资渠道

    Reforming Investing and Circulating System & Widening Investing and Circulating Channels

  15. 浅谈投融资体制改革对投资项目经济评价的影响

    Influence of Financial Mechanism Reform on Economic Evaluation of Construction Project

  16. 中国财政投融资体制改革研究

    The Study on System Reformation of Chinese Fiscal Investment and Loan

  17. 改革与完善我国林业投融资体制对策研究

    Study on China 's Forestry Investment and Financial System and Countermeasure

  18. 金融安全呼唤投融资体制与银行业变革

    Financial Security Requires Reforming the System of Investing Capital and Banking

  19. 中国投融资体制改革的回顾与前瞻

    Reform of Chinese Investment and Financing Systems : Past and Future

  20. 我国农业基础设施投融资体制的创新研究

    Innovation research about investment and financing system of agriculture infrastructure in China

  21. 浙江省城市基础设施投融资体制问题研究

    The Study of Zhejiang Urban Infrastructure Investment and Financing System

  22. 投融资体制改革及其政策取向

    Reforming Investment and Financing System and the Relevant Policy Orientation

  23. 今年北京市投融资体制改革取向

    Orientation of Reform of Investment and Financing Mechanism in Beijing in 2006

  24. 化工行业投融资体制的改革与企业融资

    Institution Reform of Investment and Financing in Chemical Industry and Enterprise Financing

  25. 我国农村投融资体制改革研究

    Research on the Reform of Rural Investment and Financing System in China

  26. 试论当前我国教育产业投融资体制改革面临的挑战

    The Challenge Faced Recently by Educational Industry Financing in China

  27. 浅议我国投融资体制改革的方向和重点

    On the Reform of the Investing and Financing System in Our Country

  28. 小城镇建设投融资体制改革问题研究

    Research on Investment and Financing System Reform Problem of the Town Construction

  29. 构建和完善港口基础设施系统投融资体制

    Building and Improvement of Investment and Financing System for Port Infrastructure China

  30. 城市建设投融资体制改革初探

    The Elementary Discuss about Urban Investing and Financing System Reforming