
  • 网络Projection Lens;Project Lens
  1. 调节投影镜头上的聚焦环

    Adjust the focus ring on the projection lens

  2. 投影镜头是CRT投影电视接收机光学系统的主要部件,其性能的好坏对投影机图像质量有很大的影响。

    Projector lens is the important part of the optical system and has a prodigious influence on the quality of the image .

  3. 首先对影像上提取的直线进行二分,根据重新匹配出的直线可确定实际物方直线在影像上的投影因镜头畸变而产生弯曲的程度,以此可对镜头的畸变进行检校。

    At first , straight lines are extracted in the image while the actual line is slightly curved due to lens distortion .

  4. 重点介绍投影光刻镜头的装配结构、材料和加工、定心、检测、调整、连接等关键工艺环节的基本要求、工艺方法和保证措施。

    In this paper , author mainly introduced the basic requirement , craftwork method and guarantee measurement in assemble structure , material , procession , centering , inspection , adjustment and junction of projective lens of stepper .

  5. 投影光刻机镜头的装校关键工艺与技术

    The Key Craftwork and Technique of Assembling and Adjusting of Projective Lens of Stepper

  6. 对于大口径精密投影光刻制版镜头来说,透镜的应力变形和中心误差对整个系统的成像质量有较大影响。

    For big aperture ′ s precision photolithographic plate-making lenses , the stress distortion and centering errors of lenses can make a bad effect on imaging quality .

  7. 逆投影法颠倒镜头成像系统物和像的位置,克服了手机镜头后焦、像素等的限制。

    The adverse projection measuring method reverse the position of object and image in the imaging system of lens , it overcome back focus length and resolution power limitation .

  8. 一种基于球面透视投影约束的鱼眼镜头校正方法

    Fisheye Lense Distortion Correction Using Spherical Perspective Projection Constraint

  9. 利用直线的透视投影不变性来估计镜头的畸变参数,不需要知道摄像机的内外部参数,也不需要知道任何空间特征点的世界坐标,简化了镜头畸变校正的过程。

    Without known camera parameters and any known world coordinates point in 3D space , the distortion parameters of camera lens can be estimated based on the perspective projection invariant of straight lines .

  10. CRT投影电视接收机关键部件&投影镜头

    A key part in CRT projector TV receiver & the projector lens