
  • 网络department of technology;dmst
  1. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)电机工程与应用电子技术系博士生郑一鸣说,我认为抱怨高等教育无用的人主要是非重点大学的学生,而且主要是文科专业的学生。

    ' I think people complaining about the uselessness of higher education are mostly coming from non-first-tier university students , especially liberal-arts majors , ' said Zheng Yiming , a doctoral candidate majoring in electrical engineering at Tsinghua University .

  2. JeanneThereseH.Andres是英国剑桥大学化学工程与生物技术系的菲律宾籍博士生。

    Jeanne Therese H.Andres is a Filipino PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge , UK .

  3. 天津大学计算机科学与技术系;

    Department of Computer Science and Technology , Tianjin University ; 2 .

  4. 地震预报课程是防灾技术系学生的一门主要专业课。

    Earthquake Prediction is a main course for students majoring in disaster prevention .

  5. 我院信息技术系教师实践技能培养研究

    Cultivating Practical Skills of Teachers in the Information Technology Department of Our College

  6. 电子科技大学光电子技术系

    Department of Opto-Electronic Technology , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  7. 平果铝业公司氧化铝高压溶出技术系从国外引进,一年多的试生产证明,这套技术的引进是成功的。

    The high pressure digestion technology for Pingguo Alumina Refinery was imported from abroad .

  8. 我在信息技术系工作。

    I work in the IT department .

  9. 介绍了瑞典皇家工学院,该院属下的制浆造纸化学与科学技术系及该系所设部门及研究项目。

    At first , the faculties and departments in Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden are introduced .

  10. 最后对美国印第安纳大学教学系统技术系的历史发展作了分析。

    At last , the writer analyzes the development of the Department of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University .

  11. 高职高专学风建设新模式探索&以贵州商业高等专科学校计算机科学与技术系为例

    Study on the construction of the new mode of study style & Take Guizhou Commercial College Computer Science department for example

  12. 蒸馏塔内部热集成技术系指同一塔内通过精馏段和提馏段之间的热量集成。

    The internally heat integrated distillation technology refers to the heat integration of the same column ( between ) the rectifying and stripping sections .

  13. 他正在伦敦帝国理工学院的肿瘤外科与技术系从事博士研究。课题为人体组织的建模以及手术导引技术。

    He is doing PhD Research in tissue modeling and surgical guidance in the Department of surgical oncology and technology , Imperial College london .

  14. 本文介绍中山大学网络与教育技术系对该校模拟电子技术课程网络课件的设计背景、理论依据、总体结构、技术线路及其特点。

    The paper introduces the background , theoretical and features of virtual CAI courseware at the Network and Educational Technology Department of Zhongshan University .

  15. 现在,作为剑桥大学计算机技术系主任,他还在自己帮助创建的各个公司中保留着一大堆管理职位。

    Now head of the computer technology department in Cambridge , he still retains a slew of directorships among the companies he helped to create .

  16. 此前有媒体报道和部分患者称,该院在宣传材料中号称其使用的癌症治疗技术系由斯坦福大学医学院引入。

    Earlier media reports and some patients claimed that the hospital said in its promotional material that the techniques it used for cancer treatment came from Stanford University School of Medicine .

  17. 此外,该部分研究中还对AS-ODNiNOS基因封闭技术对系膜细胞的影响及其研究价值进行了探讨;

    In addition , the effects and the research value of iNOS gene knock-down by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides ( AS-ODN ) on GMC were also investigated .

  18. 图像特征识别的方法及其技术实现系当前模式识别研究领域中最为热门的研究课题之一。

    The method of Image feature recognition and the technical realization constitute one of the most popular study tasks in the field of pattern recognition .

  19. 本文提出利用光纤布拉格光栅传感技术测量系缆张力分布的方法,在光纤布拉格光栅表面涂覆一层高分子材料,研制试验用模拟系缆,以实现系缆的动态张力分布测试。

    This text based on Fiber Bragg Grating test technique and via the high molecular material coating to the optical fiber those was cut Bragg grating , and developed the experimental simulation mooring line , then realizes the Mooring test of dynamic tension distribution .

  20. 不同低剂量CT后处理技术在泌尿系结石中对比分析

    Different Low-dose CT Post-processing Technology in the Urinary Calculi with Comparative Analysis

  21. 用聚合酶链反应技术检测泌尿系疾病患者尿中疱疹病毒DNA

    Detection of Herpesvirus DNA in Urine Pellet of Patients with Urinary System Disorders

  22. 多排螺旋CT三维成像技术在胆系的临床应用

    Multi-slice helical CT 3D cholangiography and its clinical application

  23. 多层螺旋CT三维重建技术对泌尿系疾病的诊断价值

    Diagnosis value of 3-dimension reconstruction technique of multi-slice CT in the diseases of urinary system

  24. GPS技术中坐标系的转换

    Conversion of coordinates in GPS technology

  25. 目的探讨16层螺旋CT三维重建技术在泌尿系病变增强延时扫描时的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate 3-dimensinal reconstruction with 16-slice spiral CT after enhanced and delayed scan in the diagnosis of urinary diseases .

  26. 实时荧光PCR技术在三系杂交水稻种子出境检验检疫上的应用

    Application of Real-time Fluorescent PCR Technology on the Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the Three-line Hybrid Rice Seed

  27. VR技术在渠系仿真中的应用

    Application of VR technology to simulation of channel system

  28. 目的探讨多排螺旋CT三维成像技术对胆系疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective To assess the technique of multi-slice helical CT 3D cholangiography ( 3D-CTC ) and it clinical application in the diagnosis of biliary tract diseases .

  29. MSCT后处理技术在泌尿系病变的诊断价值

    Application of MSCT in Diagnosis of Urologic Diseases

  30. TPR技术对钒系催化剂供氧活性和数目的研究

    The TPR Technique Study on the Activity and the Number of Oxygen of Vanadium Oxide Catalysts