
  • 网络PACKING LOAN;packing credit
  1. 其中,出口贸易融资业务涉及了贷款和透支、打包贷款、出口信用证押汇、出口托收押汇、出口贴现等;

    For export trade finance , it involves overdraft and loan , packing loan , letter of credit negotiation , outward documentary collection advance , export discount and etc ;

  2. 国内商业银行在打包贷款的操作上虽然存在一些分歧,但在定性上是基本一致。

    Although they differ in the operation strategy of packing financing , domestic commercial banks basically share the same definition .

  3. 与此相反,担保债券的付款是由银行担保的,无论打包的贷款表现有多糟。

    In contrast , covered bonds have payments that are bank-guaranteed regardless of how poorly the packaged loans perform .

  4. 尽管监管者正在努力遏制“非正式证券化”,但是,朱夏莲警告称,近几个月重新打包的贷款产品仍然在快速增加,这表明银行存在严重的隐性信贷和流动性风险。

    Despite efforts by the regulator to rein in the " informal securitisation " Chu has been warning about , the rapid growth of repackaged loan products has continued in recent months and this presents a serious hidden credit and liquidity risk to the banks .

  5. 但一旦华尔街开始根据打包的按揭贷款抵押资产、出售CDS,要给经济增加价值?

    But once Wall Street got to creating credit default swaps on synthetic tranches of mortgage collaterlized debt obligations , no way .

  6. 中小型银行正通过打包表外贷款、使其转化为高收益理财产品而创收。

    Small and midsized banks are generating fees by packaging off-balance-sheet loans into high-yielding wealth management products .

  7. 评级扩大了这些工具的需求,让银行通过创新、重新打包和转移贷款就能轻松赚钱,而不必承担高昂成本,将贷款放在自己的资产负债表上。

    Ratings widened the demand for these instruments to the point where banks made an easy living earning fees for originating , repackaging and transferring loans rather than expensively carrying them on their balance sheets .

  8. 银行若想购买有毒资产有三种选择:申请成为购买不良证券的4到5家基金管理公司之一;投标购买打包的不良贷款;或是买入其它机构设立的基金。

    Banks have three options if they want to buy toxic assets : apply to become one of four or five fund managers that will purchase troubled securities ; bid for packages of bad loans ; or buy into funds set up by others .

  9. 此类主张可能会起到微弱的帮助作用;购买证券化、打包的中小企业贷款的主意,似乎也有些道理。

    Such ideas may help at the margins ; purchasing securitised bundles of SME loans , for example , seems sensible .