
  1. 带保护装置的试验分组件冷藏机组保护装置试验及打冷试验。

    Guarded experimental subassembly Ref. Plant to be done protection device test and cooling-down test .

  2. 一个老师如果不能激发学生学习的欲望,那他就是在打冷铁,白费力。

    A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron .

  3. 我那漂亮迷人的太太曾经是青年联盟成员,有一次,她不得不去参加一个有关如何打“冷电话”的讲座,每当想起这事她都觉得特别好笑。

    My alluring wife was a Junior Leaguer , once upon a time , and got a big laugh out of a lecture she was obliged to attend on making " cold calls " .

  4. 我不想下水,懒洋洋地望着他,他的光裸的身躯瘦小而结实,穿上冰凉潮湿的短裤时,轻微地打起冷颤。

    Languidly , and with no thought of going in , I watched him , his hard little body , skinny and bare , saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small , soggy , icy garment .

  5. 现在那让我打了个冷颤。

    Now , that gives me a chill .

  6. 我不冷但却打了个冷颤&有人一定在我坟上走过。

    I shivered but I 'm not cold-somebody must have walked over my grave .

  7. 雅夏的脊背上打了个冷颤。

    A shudder ran down yasha 's back .

  8. 好冰,好凉,我不禁打了个冷颤。

    A good ice , good cold , I can not help I called chills .

  9. 董贝先生在热烈的感情与冰冷的铁件的接触下,全身打了个冷颤。

    At this touch of warm feeling and cold iron , Mr Dombey shivered all over .

  10. 他不禁打了个冷颤,想起在科学书籍中读到的一些新思想,还想起经常被引证的肯塔基的岩洞鱼,那种鱼由于眼睛派不上用场,它们的眼睛已经大大退化了。

    He shivered a little , remembering some of the new ideas in his scientific books , and the much-cited instance of the Kentucky cave-fish , which had ceased to develop eyes because they had no use for them .

  11. 他预感地打了个冷颤,发现自己的婚姻变得跟周围大部分人完全相同:一种由一方的愚昧与另一方的虚伪捏合在一起的物质利益与社会利益的乏味的联盟。

    and with a shiver of foreboding he saw his marriage becoming what most of the other marriages about him were : a dull association of material and social interests held together by ignorance on the one side and hypocrisy on the other .