
shǒu zú
  • brothers;hands and feet;hand and foot;act;henchmen;member: brothers
手足 [shǒu zú]
  • (1) [brothers]∶指兄弟

  • 亲如手足

  • (2) [act]∶指举动、动作

  • 手足无措

  • (3) [henchmen]∶指党羽,爪牙

  • 广有手足

  • (4) [hand and foot]∶手和脚

手足[shǒu zú]
  1. 手足拘挛。

    Both hands and feet are bent .

  2. 手足皴裂。

    Both one 's hands and feet were chapped from the cold .

  3. 他信仰社会主义,相信人与人之间有手足般的情谊。

    He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man .

  4. 手足之争常让父母忧心忡忡。

    Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties .

  5. 他把我视同手足。

    He used to brother me .

  6. 药物毒性引起的手足麻木怎么治疗

    How is the brothers coma that medicaments noxiousness causes treated ?

  7. 手足反目是最新的热门话题,至少在我的圈子里是热门的。

    Sibling is the new barbecue stopper — at least in my circles .

  8. 我们很多人都讨厌活在更为成功的手足的阴影下。

    Many of us hate living in the shadows of a more successful sibling .

  9. 分析手足口病患儿心肌酶及C反应蛋白的临床意义

    Clinical significance of analyzing myocardial enzymes and C-reactive protein in children with hand , foot and mouth disease

  10. 住院糖尿病患者手足真菌感染易感因素Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis of Predisposing Factors for Manus and Pedis Fungal Infections in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

  11. 目的对伴心脏、肝脏损害,瞳孔不等,听力障碍,手足血管舒缩功能及皮肤营养障碍和阳痿等少见症状的重症肌无力(MG)患者的特点进行分析,提出诊断和鉴别诊断的方法。

    Objective To propose a method for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis ( MG ) with heart and liver injury , anisocoria , dysaudia , impatience etc.

  12. 手足口病(hand-foot-Mouthdisease,HFMD)是由数种肠道病毒引起的全球性的传染病。

    Hand-foot-mouth disease ( HFMD ) is a global epidemic which is caused by a variety of enterovirus .

  13. III度口腔炎发生率为21.44%,5例出现手足综合征(手足脱皮、肢端麻木、皮肤色素沉着),血液学毒性轻微。

    Grade 2 or 3 stomatitis occurred in 21.44 % of patients , in 5 patients there occurred hand foot syndrome . Hematologic toxicity were minimal .

  14. 阜阳市手足口病病例巢式RT-PCR诊断与结果分析

    Direct detection and result analysis of clinical specimens from a hand , foot , and mouth disease outbreak in Fuyang City by nested reverse transcription-PCR

  15. brotherhood是“兄弟关系;手足情谊”的意思。

    A brotherhood of man .

  16. 用非条件Logistic回归模型进行单因素与多因素分析糖尿病患者手足真菌感染的易感因素。

    Then the non-conditional logistic regression model univariate and multivariate analysis were used to gain the risk factors for manus and pedis fungal infections in the patients with diabetes mellitus .

  17. 目的:手足纵向括弧型骨骺(longitudinalepiphysealbracketLEB)是一种罕见的导致手指或足趾畸形的遗传病。

    Objective : Longitudinal epiphyseal bracket ( LEB ) is a rare genetic disease causes finger or toe deformities .

  18. 目的:分析深圳地区手足口病病人肠道病毒(EV)5′端非编码区(5′UTR)部分基因序列,了解本地区手足口病病人EV感染的基因型。

    Objective : To analyze the partial sequences of 5 ′ UTR of Enterovirus from Patients with Hand Foot Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) in Shenzhen .

  19. 治疗组在对于倦怠乏力、腰膝酸软、气短懒言、手足畏寒、面色无华、大便频多的症状改善方面发现治疗组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    In the improvement of symptomatic : fatigue , weak waist , shortness of breath , chills , lazy word , lustreless face , stool frequency were more improved significantly better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 首次发现在广州流行的手足口病的病原为柯萨奇A16病毒。

    The pathogen of HFMD prevalent locally was found for the first time in Guangzhou to be Cox A16 virus .

  21. 结论:环磷腺苷葡胺联合辅酶Q10对手足口病合并心肌炎患儿有较好疗效,不良反应轻微。

    Conclusions : Combination therapy of adenosine cyclophosphate and coenzyme Q10 is effective on hand-foot-mouth disease complicated with myocarditis , with little side effect .

  22. 方法回顾性分析5例发作性运动诱发舞蹈手足徐动症(PKC)和2例发作性持续运动诱发肌张力障碍(PED)患者的临床资料。

    Methods Retrospective analysis was performed in 5 patients suffering from paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis ( PKC ) and 2 patients with paroxysmal persistent exercise-induced dystonia ( PED ) .

  23. 目的:肠道病毒71型(enterovirustype71,EV71)是人类手足口病的主要病原体。

    Objective : Enterovirus type 71 ( EV71 ) is a chief pathogen of hand-foot and mouth disease ( HFMD ) .

  24. 这种打压往往导致就连美国的盟友都站在了卡斯特罗(Castro)兄弟那一边,理由是华盛顿或许是我的朋友,但他们是我的手足。

    It often led even US allies to take the side of the Castro brothers , under the rubric that Washington may be my friend , but they are my brothers .

  25. EV71病毒通常引发手足口病流行,少数病例患有相关神经疾病。

    EV71 is a frequent cause of HFMD epidemics associated with neurological disease in a small proportion of cases .

  26. 近年来,禽流感、手足口病、甲型H1N1等病毒的爆发和流行使我国公共卫生服务经受严峻的考验,整个社会开始前所未有的关注公共卫生服务问题。

    In recent years , it is challenge for public health services to our country that avian flu , influenza A virus H1N1 and other pandemic outbreak . All the society has paid great attentions to the public health services .

  27. 目的手足裂畸形(split-hand/split-footmalformation,SHFM)是一种严重影响患者精细活动的先天性肢端畸形。

    Objective Split hand / split foot malformation ( SHFM ) is a congenital limb developmental disorder , which impairs the fine activities of hand / foot in the affected individuals seriously .

  28. 目的:探讨21例手足多汗症患者行胸腔镜下T2-4交感神经链切断术的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of thoracoscopic T_ ( 2-4 ) sympathectomy for palmar and foot hyperhidrosis .

  29. 方法:静脉注射10%葡萄糖酸钙注射液10ml,肌肉注射安定注射液10mg,观察15min内的手足搐搦缓解情况,并判定疗效;

    Methods : After injecting 10 % calcium gluconate ( 10ml ) into the veins and valium ( 10mg ) into the muscles , observe the alleviative condition of tetany within 15 minutes and judge the effect ;

  30. XRT组Ⅱ~Ⅲ级骨髓抑制12例(30%)并有3例发生手足综合征(7.5%)。

    Three cases were suffered from foot-hand syndrome ( 7.5 % ), and myelosuppression (ⅱ - ⅲ grade ) were found in 13 cases ( 30.9 % ) in XRT group .