
  • 网络metc
  1. 野战手术车存在的问题及改进方法探讨

    Discussion on problems and improvement methods of field operation vehicle Car World

  2. 野战X线诊断车和野战手术车快速展开体会

    Experience on Expansion of Field Battle X-ray Diagnosis Vehicle and Field Battle Operation Vehicle

  3. 手术车舱室内空气洁净性能的试验研究

    An experimental study on the air cleanliness inside the compartment of surgical operating vehicles

  4. 近年来微型器械与无创技术的应用,使宫腔镜检查术由门诊走向流动手术车。

    In recent few years the mini-instruments and non-traumatic technique comes out and it makes hysteroscopic examination from clinic going to ambulatory .

  5. CSD的几个主要职能是在分离的区域进行,包括交换车、手术个案车、订单、病人护理设备、织物的准备和提供。

    Several major CSD functions are performed in the distribution area , induding the preparation and delivery of exchange carts , case carts , orders , patient care equipment , and linens .

  6. 鲍勃的妻子得了重病,在做肺部手术前死在了手术车上。

    Bob 's wife was very ill and at last she died on the trolley before a lung operation .