
shǒu tí xiānɡ
  • suitcase;attaché case
手提箱 [shǒu tí xiāng]
  • (1) [hanger case]∶内有挂衣钩并能容纳一、两套衣服的旅行包

  • (2) [attache case]∶能用手提的小型箱子

  1. 我的手提箱合不上了——装得太满了。

    I can 't shut my suitcase ─ it 's too full .

  2. 他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。

    He lifted the suitcase down from the rack .

  3. 她提着两只沉重的手提箱下了公共汽车。

    She got off the bus , burdened with two heavy suitcases .

  4. 把你的手提箱塞到床底下吧。

    Shove your suitcase under the bed .

  5. 这手提箱锁不上。

    This suitcase doesn 't lock .

  6. 他提着一只手提箱。

    He was carrying a suitcase .

  7. 安德鲁很快就整理好了手提箱。

    It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase .

  8. 布赖恩将带子穿过自己手提箱的带扣。

    Brian pulled the straps through the buckles of his suitcase

  9. 他感觉有两个人在使劲拽他手里的手提箱。

    He felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand

  10. 她将深棕色大衣放在手提箱旁。

    She placed the chocolate-colored coat beside the case .

  11. 他急匆匆地去拎手提箱,忙着往车里装。

    He hurried to take the suitcases and occupy himself with packing the car

  12. 他在把衣服一件件叠放进手提箱中。

    He was piling clothes into the suitcase

  13. 我把手提箱扛到肩上,转身向入住的旅馆走去。

    Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder , I turned and headed toward my hotel

  14. 她说有个名叫肖恩的男人要她带两个手提箱去非洲。

    She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean .

  15. 我们的东西都放在手提箱里,好像我们一经通知就得马上离开。

    All our things stayed in our suitcase , as if we had to leave at a moment 's notice .

  16. 她女儿帮她把衣服一件件叠放进手提箱中。

    Her daughter helped her pile clothes into the suitcase .

  17. 手提箱上有个标签。

    There is a tag on the suitcase .

  18. 你给我提着手提箱可以吗?

    Could you carry my case for me ?

  19. 突然,她手提箱的把手断了,手提箱掉到了地上。

    Suddenly , the handle of her suitcase broke and the suitcase fell to the floor .

  20. 我把她的手提箱放在左肩上,把她的包放在右肩上,然后问道:“去哪儿?”

    I threw her suitcase over my left shoulder , put her bags on my right and asked , " Where to ? "

  21. 如果你liveoutofasuitcase,你的手提箱内通常只装有最基本的生活必备品和衣物。例句詹姆斯在接下来的几个月里要参加很多会议,到时候他真的得提着行李箱四处奔波了。

    With all the conferences to attend , James will literally1 be living out of a suitcase over the next few months .

  22. 我买了一只轻便手提箱。

    I bought a light suitcase .

  23. 他是个高个子,而且很健壮,手里提着一个海员手提箱,脸上有一道伤疤。

    He arrived with his sea-chest , a tall , strong man with a cut across one cheek .

  24. n.手提箱;衣箱他带着两个手提箱旅行。

    suitcase He took two suitcases with him on the trip .

  25. v.用……填塞某物他把衣服塞满手提箱。

    stuff He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes .

  26. 她给女儿递手提箱的时候,Alice把它朝着女儿还很脆弱的下巴撞了上去。

    As she handed the girl her suitcase , Alice banged it into her daughter 's still sensitive shin .

  27. 或者和Al和Tipper在祈祷,或者在学怎样用手提箱启动核武器

    at a prayer meeting with Al and Tipper or learning how to launch a nuclear missile out of a suitcase .

  28. 她还说,公司正在考虑与法国航空公司(AirFrance)及各大机场合作,开发手提箱的追踪功能。该公司已获得生产法航联名行李箱的特许权。

    She also said that Delsey was exploring possible collaboration on the suitcases " tracking capability with Air France , with which it already has a licensing agreement for co-branded luggage , and with airports .

  29. 该公司的联合创始人杰西·波塔什(JessePotash)说,该公司将于今年夏末推出一款随身行李箱和一款手提箱。

    Jesse Potash , a co-founder , said it would release a carry-on and a suitcase in late summer .

  30. 上世纪80年代和90年代,国务院(theStateDepartment)的特工把加密电话放在手提箱里,必要的时候把它插在墙上就能打电话。

    Like our own landlines , encrypted phones used to be a low-tech affair & special agents for the State Department in the 1980s and 1990s would carry their phones in a briefcase and plug them into a wall to make a call .