
  • 网络Salomon Brother;Salomon Brothers Inc
  1. 我刚毕业的时候,所罗门兄弟公司(SalomonBrothers)首席执行官约翰•古特弗洛恩德(JohnGutfruend)告诉我当时的男朋友——那时他已被该投资银行聘用——每天上班要“准备摸老虎屁股(readytobitetheassoffofabear)”。

    When I had just graduated , my then boyfriend - who had been hired by investment bank Salomon Brothers - was instructed by the chief executive , John Gutfruend , to arrive every day " ready to bite the ass off of a bear . "

  2. 一天晚上我被邀请参加一个晚宴我身旁的女士是一个华尔街投资银行的大佬的太太那家银行叫做所罗门兄弟公司

    One night , I was invited to a dinner where I sat next to the wife of a big shot at a giant Wall Street investment bank , called Salomon Brothers

  3. 自从1986年所罗门兄弟公司发行首个结构性投资产品SPIN以来,此类产品逐渐成为金融市场中非常重要的组成部分。

    The first structured investment product is SPIN which was issued by Salomon Brothers in 1986.Now these structured investment products play a very important role in modern financial market .

  4. 现在,我有东西可写了:所罗门兄弟公司。

    Now I had something to write about : Salomon Brothers .

  5. 我那时对所罗门兄弟公司根本一无所知。

    I knew next to nothing about Salomon Brothers .

  6. 现在我有东西可写了所罗门兄弟公司

    Now I had something to write about Salomon Brothers

  7. 我那时对所罗门兄弟公司根本一无所知

    I knew next to nothing about Salomon Brothers

  8. 在所罗门兄弟公司再干10年赚一大笔钱然后再写你的书他说

    You could stay at Salomon Brothers 10 years , make your fortune and then write your books , he said

  9. 他们都是正经人,我尊敬他们甚至我在所罗门兄弟公司有问题的时候,也会找他们来帮助解决。

    They are perfectly decent guys . I respect them and they helped me out when I had problems at Salomon .

  10. 我认识他们,他们中的一些人我还很熟。很多人和我都在所罗门兄弟公司工作过。

    I know those people , most of them pretty well , a lot of them at Salomon when I was there .

  11. 但所罗门兄弟公司恰好处在华尔街转型的前线转成那个如今我们都知道并爱的样子

    But Salomon Brothers happened to be where Wall Street was being reinvented into the place we have all come to know and love today

  12. 但所罗门兄弟公司恰好处在华尔街转型的前线——转成那个如今我们都知道并爱的样子。

    But Salomon Brothers happened to be where Wall Street was being reinvented - into the place we have all come to know and love .

  13. 但所罗门兄弟公司恰好处在华尔街转型的前线&转成那个如今我们都知道并爱的样子。

    But Salomon Brothers happened to be where Wall Street was being reinvented & into the place we have all come to know and love .

  14. 他们在所罗门兄弟公司时和我说过,一个六或七西格玛的事件是伤不了他们的。

    You know those guys would tell me back at Salomon , a six Sigma event wouldn 't touch us , or a seven Sigma event .

  15. 你在(所罗门兄弟公司的)投行从业经历中学到了什么,微软公司还在亚洲寻找购并机会吗?

    WSJ : What did you learn from your experience in investment banking [ at Salomon Brothers ] and is Microsoft still looking for merger and acquisition opportunities in Asia ?

  16. 一天晚上,我被邀请参加一个晚宴,我身旁的女士是一个华尔街投资银行的大佬的太太,那家银行叫做所罗门兄弟公司。

    One night I was invited to a dinner , where I sat next to the wife of a big shot at a giant Wall Street investment bank , called Salomon Brothers .