
  1. 我的那些朋友很热爱大自然,他们记得要带上所有生活必需品。

    My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life .

  2. 他还表示,有些网民习惯把自己所有生活细节都发布在Facebook和Twitter上,这些人可能需要一些指导。

    Digital natives used to posting every detail of their lives on Facebook and twitter may need some guidance , he says .

  3. 理解所有生活在你周围的人。

    Understand all the life in the people around you .

  4. 我希望忘记我在北韩的所有生活细节。

    I wish to forget every bit of my life up north .

  5. 这是所有生活品质的载体。

    That 's the carrier of all the living qualities .

  6. 你父母已经控制了你所有生活。

    Your parents have been controlling you your whole life .

  7. 几乎所有生活水平的变化,国家的生产力差异解释。

    Almost all variations in living standards are explained by differences in countries'productivities .

  8. 她同情所有生活在这种恶劣条件下的儿童。

    She felt pity for all the children living in such terrible conditions .

  9. 我的所有生活费用和学费将由国家支付。

    All my living expenses and tuition will be covered by the state .

  10. 城市植被是城市里覆盖着的所有生活植物的总和。

    The urban vegetation is the sum total of the plants covered the city .

  11. 对所有生活在自由之中的人来说,团结乃是他们唯一可靠的保障。

    The unity of all who dwell in freedom is their only sure defense .

  12. 爱的光谱汇合并且集中了所有生活艺术。

    The ectrum of love merges and focuses all of the arets of living .

  13. 所有生活给予我们美好机会,也能将它们带走。

    all those wonderful chances that life gives us , life also takes away .

  14. 在我的所有生活中,父母总是告诉我什么也不能做。

    In all my life , parents are always telling me not do anything .

  15. 这个农场对所有生活有困难的人开放。

    And this farm was free to everyone who was in trouble in their lives .

  16. 所以让我们不要把所有生活降减为一个复杂庞大的问题。

    So don 't let us reduce all life to a vast and complex problem .

  17. 我们的身体本身并不让我们看到相互关联的所有生活。

    Our body alone does not allow us to see the interconnectedness of all of life .

  18. 不过,今天应当是所有生活在脑膜炎地带国家人民的重要日子。

    But this should be a big day for all people living in the meningitis belt .

  19. 一切有气息的生物,所有生活在陆地上的东西,全都没有了。

    Everything died that had the breath of life in its nostrils , everything on dry land .

  20. 几乎所有生活在这些树木边的人都用它来做果酱和烈酒。

    Making jam and alcohol seems to be common to virtually all people living alongside these trees .

  21. 我们想购买我们的露营年轻的孩子和库存的所有生活必需品它。

    We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life .

  22. 根据选举法,所有生活或工作在国外的缅甸人都拥有投票权。

    According to the election law , all Burmese living or working abroad have the right to vote .

  23. 预定电视将离开以外的所有生活事件如突发新闻,体育,和节目奖。

    Scheduled TV will go away for everything except live events like breaking news , sports , and award shows .

  24. 鼹鼠是食肉动物,几乎能吃所有生活在地下的小无脊椎动物,比如蚯蚓、甲虫和蝇类的幼虫。

    Moles are carnivores feeding almost exclusively small invertebrate animals living underground such as earthworms and the larvae of beetles and flies .

  25. 竞争不再局限于产品类别内:所有生活方式品牌都在跨类别竞争,争夺消费者认同感。

    Competition is no longer bound by product categories : all lifestyle brands compete across categories for a share of consumer identity .

  26. 在那个空间里,所有生活上和工作上的压力和紧张都随之消失。

    So here I am in this space and any stress related to my , to my job , it was gone .

  27. 我想我有密码疲劳症,我真的记不起来所有生活需要的密码。

    I think I am suffering from the passoword fatigue . I really can 't remember all the passwords required in my everyday life .

  28. 国家将确保所有生活在现行贫困线以下的农村人口、贫困县全部脱贫。

    The country will ensure the elimination of poverty among all rural residents living below the current poverty line and in all poor counties .

  29. 所有生活在暴政和绝望下的人都会知道:美国不会无视你们所受到的压迫,不会饶恕你们的压迫者。

    All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know : the United States will not ignore your oppression , or excuse your oppressors .

  30. 这个关系会成为从现实逃离的借口,构建了一个使所有生活中现实的东西在里面都是不重要和微不足道的梦幻世界。

    The relationship may become a flight from reality , a mutual dream world where all the practical areas of life seem unimportant and trivial .