
suǒ dé shuì fǎ
  • income tax law
  1. 我国的个人所得税法实施的30年以来,个人所得税税收收入逐年增长,个人所得税在我国税收收入中所占比例日益提高。

    Since the implementation of Chinese individual income tax law for 30 years , individual income tax revenue has increased year by year . Individual income tax becomes an increasingly important tax . However , with economic development , the defects in practice are gradually exposed .

  2. 企业所得税法与会计准则的差异及其协调

    Differences and Coordination between Enterprise Income Tax Law and Accounting Standards

  3. 企业所得税法优化中国经济

    The law of enterprise income tax makes the chinese economy optimized

  4. 中国企业所得税法的改革趋向

    The Tendency of the Reform of China 's Enterprise Income Tax Law

  5. 谈企业所得税法的完善与发展

    About the Perfection and Development of Enterprise Income Tax Law

  6. 浅谈个人所得税法的效率和公平问题

    A Brief Talk on the Efficiency and Fairness of the Personal Revenue

  7. 新的企业所得税法有哪些改变?

    What are the changes in the new enterprise income tax law ?

  8. 论“法人所得税法”的命名

    On the name of " income tax law of legal person "

  9. 同样,固定资产准则与企业所得税法之间也存在差异。

    Standards of capital assets and income tax are different , too .

  10. 统一企业所得税法的重大意义及其影响

    Impacts and Significance of a Unified Enterprise Income Tax Law in China

  11. 税收公平原则下的《个人所得税法》的完善

    To Perfect China Individual Tax Law from the Principle of Tax Equity

  12. 我国所得税法中经济性重复征税问题探讨

    On Economic Multiple Taxation in China 's Income Tax Law

  13. 新个人所得税法对您影响几何?

    How will the New Individual Income Tax Law Impact on You ?

  14. 对统一我国内外资企业所得税法的思考

    Some Thoughts on Unifying the Two Sets of Enterprise Income Tax in China

  15. 世界上个人所得税法有三种不同的模式分别是:分类所得制、综合所得制和分类综合制。

    There are three models of Personal Income Tax Law in the world .

  16. 修改《个人所得税法》的热点分析

    Analysis of Amendment on Law on Individual Income Tax

  17. 关于进一步改革我国个人所得税法的几点建议

    Suggestion on Further Reformation of Individual Income Tax Law

  18. 从税收公平原则论我国个人所得税法的完善

    From the Principle of Tax Fairness on China 's Personal Income Tax Law

  19. 中国企业所得税法的根本性改革是税法改革的重点。

    The through reform of the enterprise income tax law is a key issue .

  20. 统一企业所得税法的若干问题

    On Problems Of Unifying Corporate Income Tax Law

  21. 一项主要的内容是个人所得税法的修正草案。

    A key inclusion is a proposed amendment to the Individual Income Tax Law .

  22. 我国个人所得税法工薪所得免征额问题研究

    Study on China 's Personal Income Tax Law Exempted from the Amount of Payroll

  23. 企业所得税法对企业组建税务筹划主要方法的探讨

    The discussion on the enterprise income tax law to form enterprises tax planning methods

  24. 统一企业所得税法的必要性、改革趋势及其影响

    On Necessity 、 The Trend And Its Influence Of Integrating Corporate Income Tax Laws

  25. 基于新企业所得税法的税收筹划研究

    A Revenue Designing Research According to the New " Corporation Income Tax Bill "

  26. 改变所得税法的消息传来,各种东西突然涨价了。

    Prices were bumped up at news of changes in the income tax laws .

  27. 新企业所得税法下内资企业的税收筹划

    Taxation Preparation of Domestic Owned Enterprises Under the New law of Business Income Tax

  28. 首先对欧盟法院已判决的涉及个人所得税法问题的案例进行了分类分析。

    First , judgments of the European Court of Justice are analyzed by four categories .

  29. 新企业所得税法将于2008年1月1日起正式实施。

    New Enterprise Income Tax Law would put into effect on January 1 , 2008 .

  30. 实施新的企业所得税法,统一内外资企业和个人房地产税收制度。

    Implement new enterprise income tax law , foreign enterprise and individual property tax system .