
  • 网络battle system;combat system
  1. 看来最主要的问题是在自制战斗系统上,我会尽力做一个相关的教学。

    I know the main question is about customizing the battle system and creating one .

  2. 游戏的一大亮点是战斗系统。

    One of the great things about the game will be the combat system .

  3. 未来战斗系统(FCS)在陆军长期现代化战略中占据着中心位置。

    Future Combat Systems ( FCS ) remains the centerpiece of the Army 's broader modernization strategy .

  4. 同时起步的其它机器人系统还有陆军未来战斗系统(FCS)计划中的无人地面部分。

    Other robotic systems on the horizon are the unmanned ground components of the Army 's Future Combat Systems ( FCS ) program .

  5. 美国国防部长RobertsGates最近展开的调查,令美国取消了部分未来战斗系统项目,这个庞大的军队现代化项目最主要的承包商就是BAE。

    The review recently undertaken by Robert Gates , America 's defence secretary , resulted in the cancellation of part of the Future Combat Systems programme , a big army-modernisation project for which BAE is a prominent contractor .

  6. 动态的战斗系统-许多战斗风格尽可能与设备余额和修改。

    Dynamic fighting system-Many fighting styles possible with equipment balances and revisions .

  7. 通过未来战斗系统,我们将为现在我们模块化的军队提供先进的技术与装备。

    Through FCS , we are providing advanced technologies and equipment to our modular force now .

  8. 未来战斗系统及其地面操控平台对我陆军装备发展的启示

    Apocalypse of Development of Equipment of Land Forces From Future Combat System and Its Ground Manipulating Flat Vehicle

  9. 同时,战斗系统很容易使用,鼠标的点击能基本解决问题。

    The combat system is also very easy to use and intuitive to those who like point and click .

  10. 与一阶段成果平行进行的未来战斗系统的核心项目,即非视距火炮原型,也将按计划于2008年进行交付。

    Parallel with Spin Out1 , the FCS core program is on track to deliver non-line-of-sight cannon early prototypes in2008 .

  11. 暴雪希望人们能够更简单的按照自己的节奏玩游戏,他们也完成了一个相对快速的战斗系统。

    Blizzard wants to make it easier for people to play at their own pace ; they are also implementing a relatively quick combat system .

  12. 介绍了未来战斗系统及其地面操控平台,分析了其特点,给出了其对我陆军装备发展的启示。

    Future combat system and the ground manipulating flat vehicle is introduced , characteristic is analyzed , apocalypse of development of equipment of land forces is summarized .

  13. 它是同美国陆军未来战斗系统计划相结合,并且是现场总线技术的最可能成功的一个。

    It was developed in conjunction with the U.S.Army 's Future Combat Systems program , and is one of the FCS technologies that 's most likely to succeed .

  14. 2006年国庆期间播放的《象棋王》拼凑了日本动漫《棋魂》的基本情节、男主角进藤光的外貌,以及另一部日本动漫《游戏王》的战斗系统。

    Broadcast during the National Day2006 " Chess King " put together the Japanese anime " Hikaru " the basic plot , actor Shinto light appearance , and another Japanese anime " Game King " combat system .

  15. 引信战斗部系统的实弹打靶结果分析方法

    Result Analysis in Target Practice of Missile for Fuze - Warhead System

  16. 战斗活跃系统改进地如何严密?

    How exactly has the combat animation system improved ?

  17. 战斗力系统自组织演化分析

    Analysis on the Self-organized Evolution of Combat Capability Systems

  18. 战场战斗识别系统的效能评估/硕士论文

    Assessing the Effectiveness of the Battlefield Combat Identification System ; Master 's thesis

  19. 伊拉克战争后外军战斗识别系统的发展趋势

    Combat Identification System Development for the Foreign Military Forces after Operation of Iraq Freedom

  20. 战斗力系统是一个具有能动性、适应性的复杂适应系统。

    Fighting capacity system is a complex adaptive system that possesses initiative and adaptability .

  21. 聚能战斗部CAD系统的研究

    A CAD System for Shaped Charge Warheads

  22. 基于KBE的常规战斗部CAD系统的研究与实现

    Research & Implementation of Conventional Warhead CAD System Based on KBE Technology

  23. 提出了建立常规战斗部CAD系统的框架体系,并对实现该系统的关键技术进行讨论。

    It offers the frame of the conventional warhead CAD system , and expresses several key technology of the system 's establishment .

  24. 该战斗弹遥测系统采用FM/FMFM遥测体制,现已成功地应用于某导弹的飞行试验。

    This FM / FM FM telemetry system has been used in one missile 's test .

  25. 介绍了KBE的概念及开发常规战斗部CAD系统的意义。

    This paper introduces the conception of conventional warhead CAD system and the importance of this system .

  26. 关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书潜艇综合战斗与数据系统

    Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare submarine integrated battle and data system

  27. 潜艇综合战斗与数据系统

    Submarine integrated battle and data system

  28. 空间交会定向战斗部引信系统的时间匹配特性研究

    The Study on the Time Matching Property of the Fuzing System for an Aimed Warhead on Air Encounter

  29. 坦克战斗车辆冷却系统风道阻力特性的试验测试研究

    Test And Measurement Study For The Air Flow Resistanc Characteristic of The Tank And Military Vehicle Cooling System

  30. 最后,基于电子海图显示与信息系统这一集成自动化导航信息平台,开发了潜用战斗航海保障系统软件。

    In the end , by the support of ECDIS , we design and realize the Safeguarding System for Submarine Campaign .