
zhàn yǒu
  • comrade-in-arms;battle companion;comrade
战友 [zhàn yǒu]
  • [comrade-in-arms] 并肩作战的同伴

  • 战友亲如弟兄

战友[zhàn yǒu]
  1. 梅里多先生的父亲是该党创始人的战友。

    Mr Meridor 's father was a comrade-in-arms of the party 's founder .

  2. 我就是想跟我的老战友打个招呼。

    I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade-in-arms .

  3. 空军战友们为他的婚礼充当仪仗队。

    Fellow airmen provided a guard of honour at his wedding .

  4. 他们是部队的老战友。

    They were old army comrades .

  5. 和许多战友不同,他在战争中幸存下来。

    Unlike so many of his comrades he survived the war .

  6. 这里充满了战友间才有的那种真挚友谊。

    There was a great deal of soldierly good fellowship .

  7. 我给斯坦利寄了封信,说我是他的一个老战友。

    I posted a letter to Stanley saying I was an old Army friend .

  8. 与老战友的那次聚会是一次欢乐的聚会。

    The meeting with the old comrades-in-arms is a joyful one .

  9. 老战友欢聚一堂,其乐融融。

    When old comrades-in-arms meet , their happiness knows no bounds .

  10. 他是我在海军中的一名战友。

    He is one of my comrades in the navy .

  11. 他们埋葬了他们亲爱的战友。

    They interred their dear comrade in the arms .

  12. 为了帮助他的战友,小林想出了一个绝妙的怪招。这可真是你必须亲眼见到才能相信的一招

    To help his teammate , Krillin concocts an outlandish plan that you 'll have to see to believe !

  13. 战友,战时同袍。buddy是「哥儿们,兄弟」同袍是最持久的朋友。

    war buddy3 War buddies are the longest lasting4 friends .

  14. 在罗夏测试(Rorschachtest)中,他们不是把墨迹看成死去的婴儿或倒下的战友,就是觉得什么都不像。

    In Rorschach tests , every inkblot was a dead baby , a fallen comrade or nothing at all .

  15. 牢牢嵌入QQ签名的帐号将是我们召唤战友的旗帜。

    Account numbers implanted into QQ signature shall be flags to summon our brothers .

  16. 这还不是结局,我们还将在QQ空间,利用腾讯的微博呼吁更多的战友加入我们的队伍。

    And that is not the end ; we shall summon more brothers through the twitter function in QQ space .

  17. 卡利姆高中一毕业就参了军,后来获得紫心勋章(PurpleHeart)和青铜星章(BronzeStar),深受战友们的钦佩。

    Kareem joined the military as soon as he finished high school . He would go on to win the Purple Heart and Bronze Star , along with the admiration of his fellow soldiers .

  18. 据NPR新闻的齐勒·王报道,陈宇晖因被战友欺凌,于2011年在阿富汗自杀。

    As NPR 's Ziley Wong reports , Danny Chen killed himself in Afghanistan in 2011 after being hazed by fellow soldiers .

  19. 炸弹爆炸了,Flo受伤严重,他的四位战友也牺牲了。但更多的人因为Flo而得救。Flo身上所体现的正是美国精神,本周,我向他授予荣誉勋章,以表彰他的行为,我自己也深感自豪。

    and four of his comrades were killed.But many more were saved because of Flo 's sacrifice.Flo represents the very best of America - and this week , I was proud to present him with the Medal of Honor for his actions .

  20. 他和他的老战友们保持通信联系。

    He keeps up a steady correspondence with his old comrades-in-arms .

  21. 凸,醒目,真,我亲爱的战友。

    Bold , cautious , true , and my loving comrade .

  22. 我们营的坦克围成了一个保护圈,我的一帮战友围站在一个收音机旁。

    A group of my fellow soldiers stood around a radio .

  23. 我们设计了布雷克和他的战友们的死亡。

    ' 'we planned the death of Blake and his comrades .

  24. 木兰和她的战友们在战斗中十分勇猛。

    Mulan is brave in the war with the other soldiers .

  25. 同学是朋友,战友也是朋友。

    Students are friends and comrades-in-arms is also a friend .

  26. 容我战友先安睡不与他人近瞻这无声泪。

    Admitting around me comrades close unseen by the rest and voiceless .

  27. 彼得帮同德克做了三十年战友。

    Pettibone and Deckert both served over thirty years together .

  28. 你还来得及在海滩上见到战友。

    In time to meet your buddies on the beach .

  29. 我们那个班的一些战友一直在做的梦。

    That some of the men from our unit have been having .

  30. 他赶往救助受伤的战友。

    He rallied to the side of his wounded comrade .