
zhàn zhēnɡ fǎ
  • law of war
  1. 战争法发展的历史规律及动力机制

    Historic Rules and Dynamical Mechanism about the Law of War Development

  2. 战争法运用的理论探讨

    The Theoretical Discussion on the Application of the Law of War

  3. 北约(Nato)的律师们正试图解决如何把战争法应用于网络空间的问题。

    Nato lawyers are trying to work out how the laws of war operate in cyberspace .

  4. 信息战对战争法的挑战

    Challenge of the War of Information to the Law of War

  5. 《孙膑兵法》中的战争法思想浅析

    Analyzing of the War Strategy in Sun Bin Military Tactics

  6. 战争法发展进程中的自然法思想探究

    The Thoughts of Natural Law in the Development of Law of War

  7. 刑事诉讼法(法典)国际军事刑法和战争法学会

    International Society of Penal Military Law and Law of War

  8. 战争法与战时媒体平民身份的法律判定

    War Law and the Civilian Status of Wartime Media

  9. 本文论述新式武器对生态安全的巨大破坏,提出完善21世纪战争法规则,追究主要战犯的战争罪、种族灭绝罪、破坏生态安全罪。作者对修改战争法规则提出八点建议和构想。

    The author raises eight suggestions to revise the rules of War laws .

  10. 他们的努力直接催生并促进了近代战争法的发展。

    Their endeavours drove directly the birth and development of the laws of war .

  11. 万民法和战争法属于后者。

    The law of nations and the law of war belong to the latter .

  12. 对日内瓦公约的严重违反是对战争法的违背。

    A grave breach under the Geneva Conventions is a violation of the law of war .

  13. 无预见性立法是战争法目前陷入僵局的重要原因。

    The important reason for the law of war facing with dilemma is no legislation of foresight .

  14. 在积极参与战争法创制的同时,还要认真进行军事准备。

    While we positively enact the laws of war , we should operate the military preparation properly .

  15. 他知道战争法和相关规定,显然他干那些犯法的事属于明知故犯。

    He knew the rules of the laws of war and quite clearly broke them and with knowledge .

  16. 此外,正如本报过去所言,武装无人机并不会损害战争法的根基。

    Moreover , as this newspaper has argued before , armed drones do not undermine the rules of war .

  17. 中立国专属经济区作为海战区域的战争法思考

    Ponderation from the Viewpoint of the Law of War on the Problem of Campaigning in the Neutral Exclusive Economic Zone

  18. 它除了具有大量的军事思想外,还带有朴素的战争法思想。这其中就主要表现在三个方面:一是对战争权的态度;

    This masterpiece presented not only a large amount of military thinking , but also simple law of war thoughts .

  19. 总统命令成立一个军事委员会,请愿者受到指控并被判违反《战争法》。

    A military commission was convened by the order of the President , and the petitioners were charged and convicted of violations of the law of war .

  20. 战争法有其根源。部分缘于起初对军事技术应用的担忧,比如高空轰炸以及有毒气体释放。但是国际法对于处理低技术形态下的近距离大规模杀戮相对比较容易。

    The laws of war have their roots , in part , in early worries about the impact of military technology such as air bombardment and poison gases .

  21. 有人认为,应当把《战争法》的内容输入电脑,这样机器人就有了‘良心’,如果它面前是一位平民,那么它就不会开枪。

    People talk about programming the'laws of war'into a computer to give robots a conscience , so that if the target is a civilian you don 't shoot .

  22. 投降协议除应包括于战争法之条件外,应详载每一项双方皆可确认的精确条件。

    The agreement should contain in precise terms every condition to be observed on either side , excepting such conditions as are clearly imposed by the laws of war .

  23. 间谍首先并不是一个刑法上的概念,而是国际公法(尤其是战争法)上的概念。

    First of all , the espionage is not a concept of the penal law , but a concept of the international law ( especially the law of war ) .

  24. 船非武装,而且刷白颜色,漆上清楚明显享有国际战争法下的日内瓦公约保护的红十字符号。

    The ship is unarmed , and painted in white colour , with the red cross symbol clearly visible to enjoy Geneva convention protection under the international laws of war .

  25. 国际斗争中存在的电子对抗行为引发了各种国际法律问题,涉及到战争法、电磁资源利用、国家安全和主权等方面。

    The electronic countermeasure which has existed caused all kinds of international legal issue that involves the laws of war , the utilization of electromagnetic sources , national sovereignty and security .

  26. 因此,在我国的军事斗争准备中,必须克服战争法虚无主义和迷信战争法的思想,正确看待战争法的作用。

    Therefore , in the military preparation , we should look on the role of law rightly instead of boasting the views of the law of war is nothing or is everything .

  27. 传统战争法经过二战的洗礼以及战后对战犯的国际审判等大量实践脱胎换骨,发展为现代战争法。

    The traditional laws of war developed into the modern laws of war , through the baptism of the post-war and a large number of international practice such as international trials of war criminals .

  28. 人家日本人才不认为自己违反了战争法,人家认为日本发动太平洋战争的目的是为了把亚洲从西方列强的手中解放出来,建立一个繁荣共存的大东亚。

    No , Japan started the Pacific War to liberate Asians from western imperialists to create a Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere , not to commit any war crimes , so the theory goes .

  29. 战争法的基本精神和我军的指导思想、性质、宗旨、职能及传统内在相通,是我军运用战争法的现实根据。

    The basic spirit of the law of war has inner relation with the guiding thought , essence , aim , function and tradition of our army , and it is the practical root to apply the law of war .

  30. 基于四角模型的战争游戏法分析框架研究

    Research on War Game Analysis Framework Based on the Four Components Model