
  • 网络War Power;Battle Force
  1. 改变了战后世界和平与战争力量的对比;

    Changed the contrast of postwar world peace and war strength ;

  2. 所以,中国的发展是和平力量的发展,是制约战争力量的发展。

    So China 's development represents the development of the forces for peace and against war .

  3. 但是世界和平力量的增长超过战争力量的增长。

    However , the world forces for peace are growing faster than the forces for war .

  4. 但主动或被动是和战争力量的优势或劣势分不开的。

    But initiative or passivity is inseparable from superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war .

  5. 战略阶段的划分,是由战争力量的消长变化决定的。

    Strategic stages of the zoning is changed by the war , the waxing and waning power of decision .

  6. 由于罗马帝国面临着严重威胁,克劳狄需要所有可能的战争力量。

    With the Roman Empire hanging by a thread , Claudius needed all the brazen war power he could get .

  7. 现在树立我们是一个和平力量、制约战争力量的形象十分重要,我们实际上也要担当这个角色。

    It is important for us to be seen as part of those forces , and indeed , that is the role we want to play .

  8. 然而,南部邦联政府不仅没有建立起足以保卫南部地区的战争力量,反而加剧了南部社会的崩溃。

    Although the Southern confederate government made great efforts , it had not organized a force strong enough to protect its territory from invasion . And its war effort disturbed its society .

  9. 他们必然追求战争和力量。

    Their inexorable pursuit of war and power .

  10. 辩题:公民的不服从比正义战争更有力量。

    Resolved : Civil disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for justice .

  11. 在日本教授木村誉二看来,笑好比一种武器,“适度的”笑具有结束战争的力量。

    Japanese professor Yoji Kimura believes laughter is a weapon that in healthy doses can end the world 's wars .

  12. 中国的军事形势现已进入一个新的转折点,即战争双方力量对比已经发生了根本的变化。

    The military situation in China has reached a new turning point and the balance of forces between the two sides in the war has undergone a fundamental change .

  13. 世界和平的力量超过战争的力量,在相当长的时期内,新的世界大战不会发生。

    Worldwide , the forces for peace are prevailing over the forces for war . A new world war will not break out for a fairly long time to come .

  14. 论高技术条件下局部战争后勤后备力量动员

    Mobilization of logistics reserve forces under high technology limited war

  15. 等到中国发展起来了,制约战争的和平力量将会大大增强。

    When China is fully developed , that ability will be greatly enhanced .

  16. 高技术局部战争与后勤力量运用

    Hi-tech local war and application of logistic strength

  17. 第二次世界大战爆发后,苏联成为世界反法西斯战争的主要力量,为战胜法西斯做出了决定性的贡献。

    In the Second World War , the Soviet Union was the main strength to against the Fascist .

  18. 凡属正义的革命的战争,其力量是很大的,它能改造很多事物,或为改造事物开辟道路。

    Every just , revolutionary war is endowed with tremendous power , which can transform many things or clear the way for their transformation .

  19. 我们将经过游击战争,积蓄力量,把自己造成为粉碎日本帝国主义的决定因素之一。

    Through guerrilla warfare , we shall build up our strength and turn ourselves into a decisive element in the crushing of Japanese imperialism .

  20. 从广义上解释,这些原理一样对准备战争的军事力量建设,甚至民用业务和项目管理都是正确的。

    In a more generalized interpretation , these principles are also true for pre-war military force buildup , and even for civilian business and project management .

  21. 苏联是反法西斯战争的主要力量,得到英美等国的同情与支持,这也是债务问题不了了之的原因。

    The Soviet Union was a major force in the anti-fascist war , and received sympathy and support from the Britain , United States and other countries . That is the reason for debt problem for the end to nothing .

  22. 只要世界人民在心灵中坚定了和平理念、扬起了和平风帆,就能形成防止和反对战争的强大力量。

    As long as the idea of peace can strike deep roots and the sail of peace can be hoisted in the hearts and minds of people all over the world , a strong defense will be constructed to prevent and stop war .

  23. 论抗日战争胜利的决定性力量

    On the decisive force of the victory of the anti-Japanese war

  24. 空军部队是现代军事战争中的重要力量。

    The air-force is playing an important role in the modern warfare .

  25. 现代战争中,空中力量的重要性不言而喻。

    It goes without saying that the importance of air power in modern warfare .

  26. 非战争军事行动卫勤力量模块化研究

    Study on the Modularization of Military Health Strength Used in Military Operation other than War

  27. 从某种角度讲,未来的战争,要求作战力量能有机的结合为一个系统,如同一个生物。

    The future war requires combat forces should be an organic union system , like a same organism .

  28. 在这个冷却期,双方都不能诉诸战争或增加武装力量。

    Neither party would resort to war or increase its armaments during this interval of " cooling off " .

  29. 后来又从不断扩张的大英帝国和两次代价极其高昂的对德战争中汲取了力量。

    Later it drew strength from the expanding empire and from victory in two immensely costly wars against Germany .

  30. 中国军队的现代化,目的是发展一支能“打赢信息时代战争”的军事力量。

    Modernisation was aimed at developing a force that was capable of " winning the war of the information age " .