
  • 网络i pray
  1. 我祈求上帝和您阻止他这样做。

    I pray that God and your honour may forbid such a thing .

  2. 我祈求像哥哥那样的人能够早日复元、重拾希望。

    I pray that people like my brother find healing and hope again .

  3. 我祈求的光明,但太阳没入了云层

    I prayed for light ; the sun went down in clouds

  4. 我祈求上帝把我失去的钱还给我。

    I asked God for help to take my money back .

  5. 所以我祈求你,让那个人是我。

    And so I beg you , Let it be me .

  6. 灿烂的星灿烂的星!我祈求像你那样坚定——

    Bright star , would I were steadfast as thou art ---

  7. 我祈求上帝,降幅给这位眼盲者和他的孙女。

    I prayed for blessings upon the blind man and his granddaughter .

  8. 我祈求的力量却丧失了一段时间

    I prayed for strength , and then I lost awhile

  9. 我祈求和平,也梦想恬静

    I prayed for peace , and dreamed of restful ease

  10. 麦克西姆:祖先们,我祈求您的指导。

    Maximus : Ancestors , I ask for your guidance .

  11. 我祈求安拉的饶恕,我向祂忏悔!

    I seek Allah 's forgiveness , and I repent to Him .

  12. 我祈求安拉护佑远离被驱逐的魔鬼。

    I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan .

  13. 我祈求上帝希望他能安静下来。

    I wish to goodness he 'd be quiet .

  14. 我祈求上帝医治我的父亲,为什么他还是死了?

    Why did my father die , even though we prayed for healing ?

  15. 我祈求像你那样是坚定&。

    Would I were steadfast as thou art & .

  16. 我祈求他们能在敌人到达之前来拯救我们。

    I hope they get here before the enemy .

  17. 夜复一夜在睡前我祈求能做一个梦。

    Night after night I asked for a dream before I fell asleep .

  18. 故如我祈求,无限之后宫。

    So as I pray , Unlimited Harem Works .

  19. 我祈求上主让我更有爱心,更能宽恕。

    I pray that God to help me to be loving and forgiving .

  20. 那只在排水沟上空飞着的蜻蜓能作为我祈求的答案吗?

    Could that dragonfly flying above that drain be the answer to my prayers ?

  21. 我祈求热情永远不会消退,爱情的花朵永远不会凋零。

    I wished the passion never faded , the blossom of love never withered .

  22. 我祈求智慧,上帝赐予我难题去解决。

    I asked for Windom * . And God gave me Problems to solve .

  23. 我祈求您今年能赐与丰富的牧草,喂饱这头牛。

    I pray that you feed this cow with plenty of grass this year .

  24. 我祈求上帝永远保佑你。

    I pray God to Bless you always .

  25. 我祈求星空褪尽色彩。

    I plead for the stars to fade .

  26. 我祈求这样的灾难再也不要出现在世界上任何地方;

    I pray that such a calamity never comes again to anyone in the world .

  27. 第一,我祈求你能知晓神赋予你生命的真正意义。

    Firstly , I pray for you to find God 's purpose in your life .

  28. 我祈求,祈求这一刻的宁静、永恒。

    I pray , I pray for the stillness and eternity of this very moment .

  29. 如果他一直追问谁是上帝,我祈求的眼光,圣。

    If he keeps questioning who is God , I pray that the vision that ST.

  30. 现在我祈求你的宽恕。

    I ask now for your forgiveness .