
  • 网络I'm too stupid;I was stupid
  1. 你认为我太笨了想不到那样报复。

    So you think I 'm too stupid to have done it .

  2. 我太笨了,我要是有你的脑瓜该多好啊!

    I wish I had your brains , but I 'm too stupid .

  3. 也许我太笨所以弄不懂。

    Maybe I 'm stupid , but I just can 't put it together .

  4. 你觉得我太笨了吗?

    Are you accusing me of being stupid ?

  5. 好好好,事实上一大堆人都认为可行,只有我太笨才看不出来。

    Well , actually , most people thought it would work , but I was too stupid to see it .

  6. 不,不,”他对船长说。“是我太笨了,这是我行动笨拙应得的惩罚。

    No , no ," he said to the patron ," I was awkward , and it is just that I pay the penalty of my clumsiness .

  7. 我只是太笨了,我不会操作自动贩卖机,想买健怡可乐时却买了一瓶芬达。

    It does say that I was too stupid to work the vending machine and got Fanta when I was after diet coke .

  8. 抱歉,我真是太笨了!

    Rachel : Oh , I 'm sorry . Oh , this is so stupid !

  9. 他叫道,你真聪明而我真是太笨了!

    He cried . ' How clever you are ! And how stupid I am ! '

  10. 因为我可能确实太笨了而根本领会不了笑点。

    That 's not because it 's not funny . It 's because I am probably a little too dumb to get it .

  11. 因为他们有这种自暴自弃的想法:我太胖、太笨、太丑……让他们陷入了恶性循环。

    Because they have those self-destructive thoughts which circulate in infinte patterns : I am too fat , stupid , ugly …

  12. 你这是跟我白费时间,乔纳森!我太笨了!太蠢了!我试了又试,可总是不成!

    You 're wasting your time with me , jonathan ! I 'm too dumb ! I 'm too stupid ! I try and try , but I 'll never get it !

  13. 我也是没办法啊,只怪我太笨了。

    Anna : What choice do I have ? I 'm too dumb .

  14. 我想给我丈夫织一件好看的毛线衣,但我手太笨了。

    I want to knit a beautiful sweater for my husband , but I 'm all thumbs .

  15. 在我和歇洛克·福尔摩斯的交往中,我总感觉到一种压力,我自己太笨了。

    I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my dealings with Sherlock Holmes .