
  1. 蟑螂危害着我们每天的生活。

    Cockroaches pose a threat to our daily lives .

  2. 石油在我们每天的生活中都非常重要,于是人类开始四处寻找它。

    Oil is very important to our everyday life , so men look for it everywhere .

  3. 美国是世界警察,我们每天的生活都很奢侈,还购买大量的珠宝。

    The US is the world 's policeman , and pays dearly in lives and treasure .

  4. 我们每天的生活就是不断的商议,而这些商议都和金钱无关。

    Our day is one continuous negotiation , and it 's likely none of them involve money .

  5. 在我们每天的生活和工作场所,我们有办法支持年轻人吗?

    In our everyday lives and in our workplaces , are there ways that we could support young people ?

  6. 而实际上,我想说我们每天的生活无一不是在为了避免苦难而进行。

    In fact , I would say that most of our lives are spent trying to avoid pain or suffering .

  7. 我们在每天的生活中会面临这样或那样的压力。

    Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another

  8. 这部电影启示我们珍惜每天的生活。

    The movie tells us to treasure every day .

  9. 每个Agent与其他Agent的交互,不是简单地进行数据交换,而是参与某种社会行为,就像我们在每天的生活中发生的那样:合作、协作和协商。

    Interaction between one agent and the other agents , is not simply data exchange , but acts as social behaviour , likes the thing occuring in our daily life : cooperation , coordination , negotiation .

  10. 我们在每天的生活中都在与霍尔传感器打交道。

    In everyday life we are dealing with the Hall sensor .

  11. 我们计划每天的生活费是20英镑。

    We allowed for living expenses of $ 20a day .

  12. 但是我们每天忙碌的生活绑缚着责任、要件,那我们要怎么去保持健康的身体,维持良好的体重状态呢?

    With all of the responsibilities and events packed into our busy days how are we to keep ourselves healthy and maintain an optimal weight ?

  13. 这些问题离我的现实生活似乎很遥远,但事实上,我们每天的日常生活行为都会跟他们息息相关。

    It 's too far away for me to be relate to this problem , but actually , I happened to be related to this in the day-to-day activities .

  14. 我们每天的日常生活都非常繁忙,使用化学品,坚硬的研磨料,不戴手套洗东西,这些都会导致指甲柔软脆弱。

    We 're all busy in day-to-day life , using chemicals , harsh abrasives , washing up with no gloves on . These all can create soft weak nails .

  15. 我们如何在每天的生活中应用这些原则呢?

    How do these principles apply in our lives today every day ?

  16. 总之,我们要在每天的生活中将他们活出来。

    Put together , they should be seen in our lives each day .

  17. 这就是我们每天赋予我们的生活意义及目标所要去做的。

    It 's what we do on a daily basis to give our lives meaning and to give our lives purpose .

  18. 这项研究报告的作者卡麦隆·安德森博士说,我们从每天的日常生活中可以体会到,人是可以“捕捉”到伴侣或者朋友的情绪的。

    Everyday experience suggests that people are capable of " catching " the mood of a spouse or friend , said lead author Dr.

  19. 如果我们开始在每天的生活中采取一些小措施来留意我们对塑料的使用,我们就可以在减少塑料依赖性中发挥作用。

    We can all play a role in reducing our dependence on plastic , if we started to take some small steps in our everyday lives to be mindful of our plastic use .

  20. 在我们家,每天上午的生活总是遵循一种固定的模式。

    Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern .

  21. 随从:我们喜欢每天挑材的生活,哈哈!

    Follower : we like cutting sticks all the day . ha ! Ha !

  22. 下面他给我们介绍了他每天的生活,以及为什么他的记录能吸引这么多人。

    Here he explains what his life is like and why his documenting of it appeals to so many people .

  23. 我们好像认为我们每天所过的生活,这个充满挣扎、冲突、痛苦、忧伤的生活,它和苦难、困惑的外部世界是不同的。

    We seem to think that the daily life we lead , the life of struggle , conflict , pain and sorrow is something separate from the outer world of misery and confusion .

  24. 我们必须更多敬拜父神,在我们每天的生活中更像基督,并且更顺服圣灵。

    We must increase our worship of the Father , identify more the presence of Christ in our everyday living , and become increasingly obedient to the Holy Spirit .

  25. Google存储了我们博客的复制品社交网站因为存储了我们每天的生活记录而繁荣。

    Google caches copies of our blog postings ; social-networking sites thrive by archiving our daily dish .

  26. 若我们还未做到完全降服耶稣的地步,就让我们的心不得安息,好让爱的圣灵能真正掌管我们全人及每天的生活。

    Let us not rest content until we have surrendered ourselves wholly to God , that His Spirit of love may reign and rule within us .