
  1. 不过,在可预见的未来,信用卡和借记卡将与我们同在,而如果我们坚持使用磁条技术的话,黑客也将一直存在。

    Credit and debit cards , though , are going to be with us for the foreseeable future , and so are hackers , if we stick with magstripe technology .

  2. 不论你喜欢与否,Goingforward以一种向前进的方式与我们同在。

    Going forward is with us on a go-forward basis , like it or not .

  3. n.精神虽然他已死,可是他的精神与我们同在。

    spirit Though he is dead , he is with us in spirit .

  4. 昨晚,麦当娜的新电影在纽约tribeca电影节首映,名字叫做IAmBecauseWeAre(我在因为我们同在)。

    I did that , Mary , in fact , Madonna hit the red carpet at New York City 's Tribeca Film Festival last evening where her new film debuted . It 's called I Am Because We Are .

  5. 每个人都在说:富豪永远与我们同在。

    Everyone kept saying : The super-rich are always with us .

  6. 在青春之书里,我们同在一行字之间。

    In the book of youth , us a line between .

  7. 上帝也会与我们同在,跟你们在一起!

    God are together with us at and follow you together !

  8. 愿你这赐生命的灵,在一切事上与我们同在!

    Be with us in everything as this life-giving Spirit .

  9. 嗨,现在我们同在一条船上。

    Hey , you and I are in bed now .

  10. 有耶和华与我们同在,不要怕他们。

    Their protection is gone , but the Lord is with us .

  11. 上帝和圣母玛利亚与我们同在。

    God and the Virgin Mary are with us .

  12. 最强的那位时常是和我们同在一道的。

    There is always some one with us who is stronger than we .

  13. 耶稣是以马内利,神与我们同在。

    Jesus is the Emmanuel ; God with us .

  14. 希望您能与我们同在。

    We hope you will be here with us .

  15. 让更多的尊重和包容与我们同在!

    Wish more respect & tolerance with us !

  16. 超人与我们同在

    Superman is with us US - EU Relations

  17. 与我们同在的比与他们同在的更多。

    Those who are with us are more than those who are with them .

  18. 这个世界充满了不公,但神总是与我们同在。

    The world is filled with injustice , but God is always with us .

  19. 下个星期你会继续与我们同在。

    You are back with us next week .

  20. 虽然我们同在一座城市,但是水火不容。

    Though we are in the same city , we are water and fire !

  21. 要求主与我们同在。

    We need to ask God 's abidance .

  22. 上帝的名字是厄玛努尔,即上帝与我们同在。

    The Name of God is numen preasens , God with us , Emmanuel .

  23. 腓力斯人一直与我们同在。

    The philistines will be always with us .

  24. 罗斯·娜萨德正主持着一档名为《叙利亚人与我们同在》的节目。

    Rose Nassad is hosting a program called , " Syrians Among Us . "

  25. 神的光芒耀如太阳,已垂世万年,与我们同在。

    When we 've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun .

  26. 兴奋与新鲜感与我们同在。

    Excitement and newness were with us .

  27. 在太子港和智利,他也和我们同在

    Clay was with us in Port-au-Prince . He was also with us in Chile .

  28. 愿原动力与我们同在!

    May the force be with us !

  29. 万军之耶和华与我们同在。雅各的神是我们的避难所。

    The Lord Almighty is with us ; the God of Jacob is our fortress .

  30. 他将永远与我们同在。

    He will forever be with us .