
  • 网络An Education;growth education
  1. 最适合约会的角色:2009年“成长教育”中的Jenny

    Definitive role to date : Jenny in " An Education " ( 2009 )

  2. 在导演罗勒·莎菲选凯芮做电影《成长教育》的女主角之前,希亚就已认识了解她。

    Shia has known Carey since before director Lone Scherfig chose her to star in An Education .

  3. 但是,年轻的英国女演员穆里根或许会荣膺最佳女主角,24岁的她在《成长教育》中因扮演一个爱上了成熟男人的女学生从而获得BAFTA奖。

    But young British actress Mulligan may scoop the Best Actress award.The24-year-old won a Bafta for her role as a schoolgirl who falls in love with an older man in An Education .

  4. 现代教育更加重视青少年健康成长教育。

    Modern education puts much emphasis on the education of juveniles ' healthy development .

  5. 一部有价值的成长教育小说&评长篇小说《少年梦》

    A Value Novel about Growth and Education & On the Dream of Juvenile ;

  6. 但目前鞍山市成长教育学校仍未形成完整的教师培训体系。

    However , Anshan Growing School has not yet formed a complete teacher training system .

  7. 论独生子女的成长教育

    On Growth Education of One-Child

  8. 职场生涯已经很辛苦了,我还想尽力给我儿子最好的成长教育。

    It is difficult enough trying to further my career and give Alex the best possible up-bringing .

  9. 没有真正的失败,只是成长教育而已。当认为我们在某些事失败之后,低落感也随之而来。

    There is only education When we feel like we have failed at something , discouragement often follows .

  10. 与其把失败看成一件糟糕的事,我们可以选择把失败看成是一种成长教育,一件好事。

    We can choose , instead of thinking of failure as bad , to think of failure as education , and therefore good .

  11. 所以,本研究在进行培训需求分析的基础之上,再利用培训项目设计相关理论,对鞍山市成长教育学校教师培训项目进行了再设计。

    Therefore , based on training needs analysis , using training related theories , this research re-designed the training project for Anshan Growing School conducting .

  12. 这位听众就是她当年的正牌男友,一个巴伯从未提及的人,但是她在自传《成长教育》中把他描述为“我的初恋”。

    He was that boyfriend , a figure she has never identified but who , throughout her recent autobiography An Education , she refers to as'my first love ' .

  13. 相比之下,因《成长教育》获得最佳女演员提名的凯瑞·穆里根则得到了数十名服装设计师的青睐,他们争相租借给她在奥斯卡上穿着的首饰和礼服。

    By contrast , with her Best Actress Oscar nomination for'An Education'this week , Carey Mulligan has dozens of fashion designers vying to lend her baubles and gowns for the Oscars .

  14. 我国高校扩招和收费制度改革以来,贫困生数量急剧增加,居高不下,贫困生群体成为一个规模较大的群体,贫困生的成长教育问题也越来越突出。

    Our college enrollment and fee system reform , high quantity increased dramatically , poor , poor people become a larger population growth and education problem is more and more outstanding .

  15. 如今许多中国父母为了能让自己的孩子有一个更好的未来,把所有的精力和金钱都投入到孩子的成长教育上,不惜牺牲自己的事业和喜好。

    Many Chinese parents spend all their energy and money on their children , sacrificing their own career and hobbies , all in the hope their children can have a good future .

  16. 倘若不是苏格兰东海岸的成长教育让我在潜意识里坚信,如果我造假,就会在地狱里永世受折磨,我可能也这样做了。

    I might have lied on my own CV , if an east coast Scottish upbringing had not lumbered me with the subliminal conviction that I would burn for eternity in hell if I did .

  17. 它应当具有严谨的体系和合理的结构,包括普通教育和职业教育两翼,初等、中等、高等教育各个层次,成长教育和继续教育各个阶段。

    It should have careful system and reasonable structure , include two parts of general education and vocational education , several levels of primary , secondary and higher education , two periods of growth education and further education .

  18. 他独特的成长教育经历为他带来东西文化的交互视角,尤其是对佛学的参悟及西方戏剧史论的系统研究使他的喜剧思想性与趣味性并存。

    The unique growth and education experience brings him interaction perspective of eastern and western culture , especially understanding towards to the truth of Buddhism and research on history and theory of Western Drama help him create thoughtful and entertaining comedies .

  19. 素质教育是人性关怀的教育,是关注人的发展、关照人生成长的教育。

    Quality education is the education of solicitude for human nature .

  20. 论教师的假性成长:教育行政的视角

    On Pseudo-Development of Teachers : the Outlook of Educational Administration

  21. 第二部分,师范生的专业成长和教育实习。

    Part Two : Education students ' professional development and Education Practice .

  22. 基于教师专业成长的教育人种志研究

    A Research on Educational Ethnographic on the Basis of Teachers ' Professional Development

  23. 关爱心灵成长提高教育质量

    Taking Care of the Spirit 's Growth , Improving the Quality of Education

  24. 人才的成长靠教育。

    The development of human resources depends on education .

  25. 新时期大学生成长观教育面临的主要问题

    Main problems of education for college students ' grouth concept in new period

  26. 知识创新的主体是具有创新精神和创新能力的人才,人才的成长靠教育。

    The principal part of knowledge creation is talents with creative spirit and ability .

  27. 教师在教育中扮演什么样的角色关系到教师发挥什么样的作用,关系到学生的成长和教育目标的实现。

    What roles teachers play determines the growth of students and the achievement of educational goals .

  28. 中国的教育在近年内飞速成长,教育需求正呈几何级数递增。

    There is a burgeoning education in China as well as a geometric series increase of demand .

  29. 创新的关键在人才,人才的成长靠教育。

    The key to creation and innovation lies in human resources , whose development depends on education .

  30. 玩具在现代儿童成长和教育的过程中已经成为不可替代的一类产品。

    Toys in children growth and in the process of education has become an alternative one kind of product .