- 名mature forest

Characteristics of Plant Species Structure of Pinus armandi Mature Forest with Two Different Stand Crown Closure
The richness index , diversity index and evenness index of understory plant show mature forest > young forest > middle aged forest
There were abundant viable seeds stored in the soil seed banks under karst secondary forests . Seeds identified in soils at 10 cm depth ranged from 4 930 to 14 930 indi . / m ~ 2 , higher than that of 3 780 indi .
The ability of soil carbon sink from half-mature stand to mature stand improved continuously .
Benefit valuation method is often used to estimate submature , mature and overmature forest .
The carbon content and carbon storage of Pinus massoniana Lamb at different growing stages were measured .
In two secondary forests , Populus davidiana fine root decomposition rate was faster than Betula platyphylla 's.
The height skewness of young stage forest was larger than the middle stages forest and mature stages forest .
In study area , there are mainly mature and over-mature forests and the eco-environment is in good conditions .
The climax species with seeds dispersed by large animals were not able to reach the isolated forest , whose succession was retarded .
The height distribution kurtosis was sharper in young forest stage ( kurtosis value greater than 0 ), and was flatter in the middle stage .
The root respiration rate and percentage of root respiration to total soil respiration of the young forest were higher than those of the mature forest .
Study on Change of Tree Density , DBH and Basal Area of Pinus armandii and Pinus yunnanensis Mixed Forest during the Course of Maturing Treated by Intermediate Cutting
Average DBH of Robinia pseudoacacia increased with the increase of plantation age . But growth rates were different , sapling and mid-maturation forest were higher than embodiment .
In China , mature pine forests are on the verge of exhaustion and pine oleoresin is mainly extracted from middle aged and young pine forests of natural secondary growth .
There are 14 bird species in the edge habitat between the meadow-steppe and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica natural mature forest ( denoted by MPN ), and its diversity index is 2.2348 ;
Diameter rank distribution and peak were bigger in sapling stand stage ; the partial degrees and stand diameter one-order partial embodiment were small and had a flat distribution in mid-maturation forest stage .
Soil organic matter content , the carbon content in fulvic acid and the carbon content in humin in rhizosphere and non_rhizosphere soil from near mature stand to mature stand decreased with stand ages grew ;
As an integrated reflections of habitat conditions , the relationship between the coverage of tree , shrub and herb layers and abiotic factors showed difference of ecological habits between the understory shrub and herb species .
Therefore , in order to avoid soil fertility degradation and improve the stand ecology environment , the rational inter cut down and measure management of such as fostering ought to be adopted after artificial spruce forest matured .
Due to the difference among the factors affecting the appraisal value per unit young , immature and mature forest resource assets , the mass appraisal models should be built for the young , immature and mature forests respectively .
Larch is the primary fast growing tree species for forestation in north forest region of China . After 50 years forestation , the larch plantations have already became near-mature forest or mature forest and been the important commercial forest base now .
According to the age group of area of order : middle age of stand young forest near-mature forest mature forest overmature forest in the research area , sapling occupies 86.2 % of the total area , grove and only 5.35 % .
This paper discussed growth laws of understory plant of Chinese fir plantations in different ages , different site indexes and different rotations The results showed that the mean quantity of understory plant species show mature forest > young forest > middle aged forest ;
The Carbon storage of Chinese fir plantation ecosystem increased with the increasement of age , which of MP was 1.63 times that of YP , and 1.19 times that of MAP , respectively , and most of the differences among forest ecosystems were in the tree layer ;
According to the request of relevant forest reserves assets assessment technical specification , combining the resources of the bamboo grove and manage the characteristic , expound and assess non-ripe forest and ripe forest separately from theory method to application of embodiment , prove the feasibility of the method .
Comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility showed the ( results : ) natural forest > young stand > near mature stand > half - mature stand > mature forest , namely , with the stand ages increasing , soil fertility began to decrease rapidly because of the slow litter decomposition .
Thirty three trees from a seventeen years old plantation of Chinese tulip tree ( Liriodendron chinense ) in Fenyi county , Jiangxi Province were randomly selected , and their basic density , and fiber length of each growth ring for the increment core samples at breast height were measured .
The Shannon Wiener diversity index in mature phase was the largest , and it got higher with the increase of growth stage .
The heart-wood-rot happens in varying degrees in almost mature and mature manmade forests of Chinese fir in southeastern Guizhou and central Guizhou .