
  • 网络cost element
  1. 论施工项目成本要素编制与过程控制

    Cost Element Workout and Course Control of Construction Project

  2. 建筑工程质量成本要素与控制

    Quality Cost Element and Control of Construction Engineering

  3. 首先,本文对供应链成本要素进行了分析。然后,基于提出的供应链成本分析理论,本文改进设计了一套新的类似ABC法的供应链成本计算方法。

    Reform and design a set of new and similar cost calculation method of supply chain ABC method based upon present cost analytic tool of supply chain .

  4. 并对顾客感知价值要素和顾客感知成本要素的对应关系进行了讨论。

    Then the author discusses the relation between customer perceived value and customer s perceived cost .

  5. 在发展中国家,提供卫生服务的最大成本要素是卫生人力。

    Human resources represent the largest single cost element in providing health services in developing countries .

  6. 按成本要素计算的国民生产总值

    GDP at Factor Cost

  7. 从财务与工程相结合的视角,对水价的成本要素及影响因素进行了分层分析。

    From the view point of finance and engineering , the cost elements and influence factors are analyzed .

  8. 你可以重视员工数量,工作时间,法律,知道方针,及成本要素。

    You can take the employees'qualifications , working time preferences , laws , guidelines , and cost factors into account .

  9. 另外,船舶制造项目中的时间要素对质量要素与成本要素的影响也非常大。

    In addition , the ship manufacturing project of time factors on quality and cost of the impact is very big .

  10. 优质蔬菜生产者在产品定价时要综合考虑各种成本要素,因此最终表现为高定价行为。

    The quality vegetable producers synthetically consider various cost factors during the period of product price . It shows that they ultimately ask for high price .

  11. 此文对清单中标的项目成本要素管理及如何实现成本管理的系统化,提出了较为适用的管理方法。

    This article brings forth a comparatively appropriate method as to the cost elements management of contract-awarded projects and how to materialize the systemization of cost management .

  12. 然后,在成本要素的时间维分析上,运用里程碑事件分析方法,按建设工程的进展将成本管理分为项目前期成本管理,项目施工过程中的成本管理,项目竣工后的成本管理。

    Then , according to the time factor and the landmark event analysis , the progress of construction cost management will be divided into pre-project cost management , project cost management and post - project cost management .

  13. 提出了零售购买的顾客决策系数公式。该公式反映了顾客对不同价值和成本要素的重视程度,也反映了顾客在购买决策时的理性判断方式。

    This paper also brings the " customer purchasing decision-making modulus formula " of retail purchasing , which not only reflects how much customers pay attention to different value and cost elements , but also represents their rational judgment while making a decision to purchase .

  14. 插秧机作业成本构成要素及其作用分析

    Analyzed the Components and its Effect of Transplanter working Cost

  15. 论市场产权及其成本构成要素

    On Market Property Right and Its Cost Component Factors

  16. 另外,借鉴边际成本构成要素模型作为自然资源价值构成模型。

    In addition , the reference model as the marginal cost elements of the value of natural resources constitute a model .

  17. 感知利得和感知成本各个要素间存在互动关系,它们对品牌价值、社会价值和情感价值具有驱动作用。

    Perceived benefits and perceived cost interact with each other . They have a drive to social value and emotional value .

  18. 因而,教育是生产力,是构成生产成本的要素之一。

    Therefore , education is a productive force , and is one of the most important elements in forming the production costs .

  19. 跨国公司充分利用我国廉价劳动力、土地以及水电等低成本生产要素,获取地域性成本节约。

    MNCs make full use of the cheap cost of labor , land , water and electricity to tap the regional cost savings .

  20. 在识别成本驱动要素的前提下,通过有效地控制成本驱动要素来实现成本集中战略,同时要注意控制风险。

    Effectively control on the cost elements is the key to realize cost focus strategy . Meanwhile the risk control should be considered .

  21. 通过允许技术要素跨国流动和与其他要素重新组合,本文在成本和要素报酬分配模型中解释了技术要素及其流动导致对外直接投资的机制。

    By letting the technology factor move across boundaries and recombine with other factors , this thesis explains how the technology factor and its movements cause FDI with models of production cost and distribution of factor reward .

  22. 针对可重构制造系统(RMS)的组态设计问题,以现有的制造资源为基础,分析了RMS中机床设备与加工成本的组成要素,构建了RMS的生产周期成本模型。

    To solve configuration design problems , on the basis of the current manufacturing resource , the elements that comprise cost of machine tools and operation cost were analyzed , and production period cost model of reconfigurable manufacturing systems ( RMS ) was constructed .

  23. 传统的比较优势理论包括比较成本理论和要素禀赋理论。

    The traditional comparative advantage theory consists of comparative cost theory and H-O theory .

  24. 运用比较成本理论、要素禀赋论等经济学理论对教育境外消费进行理论分析。

    Comparative Advantage Theory and Factor Endowment Theory are used here to analyze education consumption abroad .

  25. 进入边际成本的生产要素的报酬并不都同比例地变动。

    The remunerations of the factors entering into marginal cost will not all change in the same proportion .

  26. 然后从总的物流运作成本及其构成要素与资产的专用性之间的关系,探讨了商业企业物流外包的费用与效率边界问题;

    The boundary from the relationships of total logistics operation cost and its components with assets specificity are presented .

  27. 以服务时间或服务成本作为基本要素的方法不能从本质上反映各种卫生服务的内涵。

    The methods that rely on service time or service cost can not reflect connotation of all kinds of health service .

  28. 在多种要素同时变动并优化配置的条件下,如果价值收益不变,应采取成本最低的要素组合;

    With the change of many factors and the optimization of the distribution , the combinatorial factors of the lowest cost should apply .

  29. 距离成本和生产要素的不完全性、技术创新和技术扩散的非性等进一步加剧了区域间的非性。

    The incomplete circulations of distance cost and productive element factors and the unbalanced innovation and expansion of technology have further intensified the regional unbalances .

  30. 其首要推动因素是交易成本的三要素(资产专用性、交易的不确定性、交易的频率)。

    He most important factor is the " three elements " of the transaction costs theory , including asset specificity , transaction uncertainty , transaction frequency .