
  1. 美国式的成功观以及美国走向世界的愿望

    An American sense of achievement.An American willingness to go out around the world .

  2. 我展示这些数据不仅仅是为了批评现实的成功观;

    I do not show these statistics for the mere purpose of criticizing realistic success ;

  3. 中国的成功观的特点是权力至上,以社会为本位。

    Chinese success value featured with its power-first concept , putting the society at the first place .

  4. 本文第七部分在树立科学职业成功观的基础上,从职业成长期和职业发展期两个方面对可雇佣能力的不同开发主体提出了相应的建议。

    Part seven is about policy suggestions . This dissertation establish on the basis of the concept of scientific career success , and makes some policy suggestions to responsibility subjects about two different stages from career growth and career development . 8 .

  5. 基于这样的立场,在社会转型时期榜样教育的内容在人性观、(生命)意义观、幸福观、成功观和利益观等方面应有所拓展。

    Based on this idea , the example education should expand the concept of human nature , the concept of the sense of life , the concept of happiness , the concept of success and the concept of interests in the social transformation .

  6. 但那些长期以来指导我们成功的价值观--勤奋、诚实、勇气、公平竞争、

    But those values upon which our success depends hard work and honesty , courage and fair play ,

  7. 然而,我们赖以成功的价值观——诚实和勤奋、勇气和公平、宽容心和探索精神、忠诚和爱国——均由来已久。

    But those values upon which our success depends-honesty and hard work , courage and fair play , tolerance and curiosity , loyalty and patriotism-these things are old .

  8. 二是领导者具有高素质是成功实施基于价值观领导的必要条件;

    Second , high quality owned by leader is an obligatory condition to the successful application of value-based leadership ;

  9. 首次开发成功用于观察细观及微观混合过程的微元变形历程的新颖方法&高速频闪显微摄影法,并建立了相应的摄影实验装置,其空间分辨率高达6.7μm,时间分辨率达8μs。

    High Speed Stroboscopic Microscopic Photography , a new technique firstly developed in our laboratory was successfully used for the observation of the deformation history of fluid elements during submicro - and micromixing pro-cesses .