
An American sense of achievement.An American willingness to go out around the world .
I do not show these statistics for the mere purpose of criticizing realistic success ;
Chinese success value featured with its power-first concept , putting the society at the first place .
Part seven is about policy suggestions . This dissertation establish on the basis of the concept of scientific career success , and makes some policy suggestions to responsibility subjects about two different stages from career growth and career development . 8 .
Based on this idea , the example education should expand the concept of human nature , the concept of the sense of life , the concept of happiness , the concept of success and the concept of interests in the social transformation .
But those values upon which our success depends hard work and honesty , courage and fair play ,
But those values upon which our success depends-honesty and hard work , courage and fair play , tolerance and curiosity , loyalty and patriotism-these things are old .
Second , high quality owned by leader is an obligatory condition to the successful application of value-based leadership ;
High Speed Stroboscopic Microscopic Photography , a new technique firstly developed in our laboratory was successfully used for the observation of the deformation history of fluid elements during submicro - and micromixing pro-cesses .