
  • The Road to Success;The Way to Success
  1. 听起来简直就是一条成功之路嘛

    Sounds like the road to success .

  2. 这让我想起安德鲁·卡内基说的成功之路。

    It reminds me of what Andrew Carnegie said about the road to success .

  3. 良好的教育是通往成功之路。

    A good education is the gateway to success .

  4. 这是通往成功之路。

    It 's a highway to success .

  5. 我们终于使约翰认识到成功之路无捷径可走。

    We have at last awaken John to the fact there 's no easy way to success .

  6. 乐观积极地找寻属于自己的成功之路。

    And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success .

  7. 汤姆,相信自己是通往成功之路的第一步。

    Tom , believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success .

  8. 努力工作是通往成功之路。

    Hard work is the gateway to success .

  9. 具有胜利者DNA的人不会要求自己的成功之路就会舒适。

    People with the winning DNA don 't request that the path to their success be easy .

  10. 企业实施CIMS成功之路

    The success road of enterprise implement CIMS

  11. 相反,应该根据组织的方法和成熟度来量身定做SOA解决方案,以便确保一条更平坦的采用和成功之路。

    Rather , SOA solutions should be tailored to the approach and level of maturity of the organization to ensure a smoother path to adoption and success .

  12. 美国Haas自动化公司的成功之路

    The Way of Success on Haas Automation Co. in USA

  13. 伦敦公寓楼突破世界楼价纪录,开发商向CNN记者吉姆·博尔登阐述了他们的成功之路。

    Developers for a London apartment block setting world property price records explain their success to CNN 's Jim Boulden .

  14. 很多苹果用户的第一款苹果产品就是iPod,iPod的普及度为2007年推出的iPhone手机铺好了成功之路。

    For many users , their iPod was their first Apple device , paving the way for the success of the iPhone when it was launched in 2007 .

  15. EQM将促使更多的企业走上质量效益型成功之路。

    EQM can impel more enterprises to take the successful quality beneficial roads .

  16. 北京汽车咨询公司synergistics总裁罗威(billrusso)表示:“在中国,在进行政治运作之前公布计划,一般不是成功之路。”

    Bill Russo , head of Synergistics , a Beijing auto consultancy , said : " going public before doing the political engineering is generally not a pathway to success in China . "

  17. 现在世界范围内的自由贸易协定(FTA)已有数百个之众,特别是欧盟、北美自由贸易区的建立和稳步发展,证明了区域经济一体化是实现共同繁荣和发展的成功之路。

    So far , there are hundreds of FTA which has been established . Particularly , the set up and stable growth of European Union and NAFTA has improved that regional integration is the road to business success of co-prosperity and collaborative development .

  18. 现在,他住在旧金山,正在筹建一家科技初创企业,并在推动一项名为“uncollege”的社会运动,该运动试图改变大学是唯一成功之路的观念。

    He now lives in San Francisco , is working on a technology start-up and is promoting the social movement " uncollege " , which is trying to change the notion that college is the only way to prosper .

  19. 新产品快速开发技术&现代企业成功之路

    Rapid Products Development & the Way to Success for Modern Enterprises

  20. 发展外向型经济是振兴老企业的成功之路

    Develop export-oriented economy & a successful way to rejuvenate old enterprises

  21. 开家主题酒吧的赚钱秘籍&中国酒吧连锁大王的成功之路

    Opens the family subject bar to make money the rare book

  22. 当他想起当年漫长的成功之路,他笑了。

    He smiled when he remembered the long road to success .

  23. 他说他的秘密是通往成功之路的快捷方式。

    He says his secret is a short cut to success .

  24. 每个孩子都将找到各自通往成功之路。

    Each child will find his own personal road to succeed .

  25. 记住,他们很可能走过一条有意思的成功之路。

    Remember they probably had interesting paths to their career successes .

  26. 用精品铺就顾客成功之路

    Paving the Way for Customer 's Success by Superior Products

  27. 你若相信“太晚了”,你的成功之路也就终止了。

    Believing it 's too late is the end of your journey ;

  28. 点燃生命的梦想,踏上征服英语的成功之路!

    Lighting dream will lead the way to conquer English !

  29. 我们坚定相信能帮助您踏上成功之路。

    We firmly believe that we can contribute to your commercial success .

  30. 我们的课程是学习英语的成功之路。

    Our courses are the door to success in English .