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gǎn kǎi
  • Feeling;sigh with emotion;give vent to one's feeling about
感慨 [gǎn kǎi]
  • [sigh with emotion;give vent to one's feeling about] 心灵受到某种感触而慨叹(感慨不已)

  • 她不免感慨地想道:“……真是事变知人心啦!”——丁玲《太阳照在桑乾河上》

  • 否则不能继述先烈遗志且光大之,而徒感慨于其遗事,斯诚后死者之羞也!——孙文《 黄花冈七十二烈士事略 序》

感慨[gǎn kǎi]
  1. 她们令人感慨的人生经历,也反映出了这个时代的特点。

    They make one sigh with emotion life experiences , also reflected this time characteristic .

  2. 提起过去那段经历,他无限感慨。

    When he spoke of those experiences , he sighed with emotion .

  3. 从宫里出来后,田鸠感慨不已地说:“想不到谒见秦王的途径,竟然是先要到楚国去走一趟。”

    Out of the palace of Qin , Tian Jiui sighed and said to himself , " I didn 't expect that in order to get access to the king of Qin , I would have gone to state Chu sirst . "

  4. 施家问清楚情况后,感慨地说:“凡是识时务的人,就能一帆风顺;反之,就会惨遭失败。您儿子虽然学习的东西跟我们一样,但是结果却和我们的完全相反。”

    After the Shi family learned about the situation , they said with a sigh of emotion : " Only those who understand the times will get along smoothly15 in life . Otherwise they will end up in tragic16 failure . Though your sons have learned the same things as ours , the results are entirely17 different from ours . "

  5. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗里o卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。

    DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg recalls the summer of 1994 like it was yesterday .

  6. “这次的情况确实有所不同,”经验丰富的系统管理员罗伯特·哈克尔(RobertHarker)感慨道。

    " This time things really are different ," says Robert Harker , a veteran systems administrator .

  7. 从古希腊的哲学家苏格拉底(Socrates)一直到当代美国传奇盲人歌手史提夫·汪达(StevieWonder),无数的诗人、哲学家、剧作家还有流行歌手都对爱有说不尽的感慨。[1]

    Poets , philosophers , playwrights and pop singers from Socrates to Stevie Wonder have had a great deal to say about love .

  8. 政治学家约根德拉·亚达夫(YogendraYadav)曾在《印度快报》(TheIndianExpress)上感慨:“培养未来白领的整个高等教育体系”让没上过英语学校的学生处于劣势。

    A politician , Yogendra Yadav , lamented in The Indian Express that " the entire system of higher education that controls white-collar jobs " is loaded against students who did not attend English-language schools .

  9. 当家人围坐在一起吃晚饭时,我眼眶湿润地感慨道:“不知道强尼(Johnny)现在在干吗”,接着我就听到了他从家中房间传来的喊声:“我在看《发展受阻》((ArrestedDevelopment)呢。”

    Misty-eyed , when the rest of the family was having dinner , I 'd say , ' I wonder what Johnny 's doing right now , ' and then I 'd hear him call from the family room , ' I 'm watching ' Arrested Development . "

  10. 而她丈夫的那位过着漂泊生活的朋友帕特里斯·菲塞(PatriceFiset),正是他激发了玛丽的父母旅居世界的想法。他关注了坎贝尔夫妇的博客后,也同样非常感慨。

    Patrice Fiset , the friend of Mary Campbell 's husband whose rootless existence inspired her parents , said he follows the Campbells " blog and is similarly impressed .

  11. 最近我写了一篇关于日产(Nissan)美人奴跨界敞篷车(MuranoCrossCabriolet)的文章,颇有些感慨。要创造一种全新的汽车设计理念真不是件容易的事啊!

    When writing about Nissan 's Murano CrossCabriolet recently , I was reminded how difficult it is to create a new automotive concept & and how harshly the market treats original ideas .

  12. DDMA中国总经理萨姆?穆里根(SamMulligan)说:“过去三年里,这些成本已开始变得令人望而却步了。我们在与客户讨论进入市场的新尝试时,一到制定零售战略这一步,就感慨各项成本高得离谱。”

    Sam Mulligan , China Director at DDMA , said : " Over the past three years , these costs have started to become prohibitive . When we work with customers on a new market entry , once we get to formulating a retail strategy , the metrics fall out of the window . "

  13. 他凝视着镜中自己日见花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。

    He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks .

  14. 每一次落雨,我心中总是无限感慨。

    Because every time it rains , I fall to pieces .

  15. 人们每每谈到我们苏北老区总是感慨万分。

    People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great .

  16. 孙侦探摇了摇头,似有无限的感慨。

    Detective Sun shook his head as if deeply moved .

  17. 长江滔滔东流,永不停息。(感慨)

    The Changjiang River is forever flowing towards the east .

  18. 心里不免要感慨一番为人的不易。

    I unavoidably sigh for the difficulty to be a true man .

  19. 我见到别人的富有,会感慨自己的潦倒;

    When I witness others'wealth , I would sigh for my poorness ;

  20. 太多人感慨现代社会的冷漠无情;

    So many people lament the coldness of modern society ;

  21. 回首过去,我有很多感慨。

    Looking back to past , I have a lot of emotions .

  22. 他提到亡妻感慨万分。

    He spoke of his dead wife with deep emotion .

  23. 感慨良多,可是不知道从何说起,在何处结束。

    But it is , perhaps , the end of the beginning .

  24. 鸿渐为哈巴狗而发的感慨,一半是真的。

    Hung-chien 's lament over the Pekingese was partly true .

  25. 遗憾成了这漫长道路上唯一的最后感慨。

    Unfortunately this long road became only the final emotion .

  26. 我只是感慨,有人爱,真的是很幸福的

    I only feel that being loved is really happiness that it is

  27. 老者连连的点头,似乎有无限的感慨与牢骚。

    He nodded repeatedly as if carried away by wretchedness and frustration .

  28. 两个男人在讨论女人时发出的一句无奈的感慨。

    When the two men discussed the sentence helpless woman 's feelings .

  29. 旁人能看见你的疤,却始终感慨感染不到你的痛。

    Others can see your scars , but always feel to your pain .

  30. 你的手背和双手开端感慨非常地沉重,坚实地摆正在两旁。

    Your arms and hands are feeling heavy and limp at your sides .