
  • 网络combination of images
  1. 谈意象组合应遵循的规律

    On the Rules of the Combination of Images

  2. 古典诗歌意象组合方式新论

    A New Analysis of Image Combination in Classical Poems

  3. 论李贺诗歌蒙太奇式意象组合的结构方式

    Explore the Structural Pattern of Montage Imagery Combination of Li He 's Poems

  4. 论诗的意象组合

    On the Image Combination of Poems

  5. 第二章重点讨论了不同恋情在意象组合和艰难对话中体现的不同节奏。

    Chapter two discusses the different rhythmic relationships mainly in image patterns and characters ' difficult conversations .

  6. 意象组合的叙事化。

    Narration of image combination .

  7. 第四章“晚唐体诗歌意象组合的审美境界”。

    The fourth chapter is " Artistic Conception of Image Combination of Poetry in Late-Tang-Dynasty Poetic Form " .

  8. 另外,意象组合又呈对比并列形式,前后连接形式,交叉错落形式,扩展形式。

    Furthermore , a comparison of parallel image composition and form , and link the form of cross-stone forms expansion forms .

  9. 中国古典诗歌具有极高的审美价值,意象组合的独特方式赋予了中国古典诗歌独特的美学特征。

    Classical Chinese poetry is of high aesthetic value . Images and the unique way of image arrangements contribute to the unique aesthetic features of Chinese poetry .

  10. 任何一首诗,大多是由一系列意象组合而成,如此,才能使意象在诗歌整体结构中的功能和作用得到充分的发挥与确认。

    A poem is often made up of a series of imagery , so the function of imagery in the poetic structure can get full elaboration and affirmation .

  11. 中国诗词意象组合的独特方式赋予了中国诗词独特的美学特征,本文主要涉及以下几个方面:意象的摄影美、图画美、音乐美、立体美以及含蓄美。

    The thesis mainly deals with it in the following aspects : beauty of film-making , beauty of painting , beauty of music , stereoscopic beauty and beauty of reserved imagery .

  12. 本文从动物造型手法与规律着手,分析和归纳民间动物造型的意象组合的构成方法,为现代设计构思提供充满精神美的视觉形象。

    This paper , set about from animal modelling tactics and law , has analysed and summed up folk animal composition method to offer visual images full of beautiful spirit for modern design and conception .

  13. 而相同的意象组合在用英语编码时,必须添加空间的关系,必须选择某一个意象的空间位置为参照点来组织其它的意象。

    For the same image combination , when coding in English , spatial relations must be added , that is to say , the spatial location of some particular image must be chosen as the reference point to organize the other images .

  14. 诗歌意象的组合可以产生奇妙的效果。

    The image combination in poetry can produce fantastic effects .

  15. 论唐诗中月意象的组合艺术

    On the Combination Art of Moon Image in Tang Poetry

  16. 诗歌意象的组合是诗歌话语的组织。

    The structure of images of poetry is the tissue of poetry discourse .

  17. 从艺术构思的角度看则是意象的组合。

    From the art of conceptive processing , it is the formation of image ;

  18. 梧桐与其它意象的组合以象征君子的品格。

    The combination images of Chinese Parasol and other image manifest the gentleman 's high morality .

  19. 各种色彩形式与意象的组合所形成的色彩意象在诗歌中隐含或折射的意蕴也不尽相同,各呈异采。

    The combination of kinds of color forms and images maked color image which concealing or reflecting feeling implications differently .

  20. 意象的组合上诗人更加超前,有些手法类似于现代电影中的蒙太奇手法。

    In the image of the poet more advanced composition , and some practices similar to the modern film Montage practices .

  21. 中英诗歌中意象的组合方式往往体现了诗人的情思和艺术风格,本文介绍了三种主要的组合,即意象的拼和,并置和叠加。

    Moreover the thesis also introduces three major ways of combination of images , that is , assemblage , juxtaposition and superposition .

  22. 关于板桥诗歌意象的组合方式,分为承接的组合方式、对比的组合方式和主次的组合方式。

    About the combinations of the slab poetry image , divided into undertake the combination , contrast combination and primary and secondary mix .

  23. 美学因素是诗歌翻译中的重要环节,诗歌翻译应该充分再现原诗意象及其组合的画卷美,和谐美与模糊美。

    Aesthetic elements play important roles in poetry translation . The author believes that the picturesque , harmonious and implicit beauty of image and image combinations should be well reproduced into TL text .

  24. 在创作构思阶段,艺术灵感表现为意象之间的组合与衔接;

    In the period of creative meditation , as the combination and conjugation of images ;

  25. 本文试从诗歌中意象的不同组合方式问题入手,探讨英汉诗歌互译中意象的处理。

    The paper will analyze image from ways of its combination , and examine the treatment of image in translation between Chinese and English poems .

  26. 诗人选取的意象不同,以及组合意象的方式不同,意象就会在诗中表现出不同的意蕴,使诗歌呈现出不同的美感形态。

    Image will show different meaning , through different images selected by poets , and different combinations , all this make a poem shows different aesthetic patterns .

  27. 他选取灰暗清冷的夕阳、秋风和细小琐屑的秋虫、疏泉等自然意象加以巧妙的组合拼接。

    He selected the sunset , gloomy autumn wind and tiny and trivial autumn worm , steam trap springs and other natural images and combined them together ably .

  28. 不同类型的意象或意象的不同组合方式,对于意境创造会产生不同的艺术效果。

    Different imagoes and different ways of combining the imagoes are responsible for the different artistic effects in creating artistic conceptions .

  29. 意象与意象之间的组合通常呈现为平面组合关系和立体组合关系。在平面组合关系中,包括同一关系、对立关系、主从关系、递加关系;

    There are two relations of combination in the images , one is plane combination relation which covers the same relationship , opposite relationship , principal and subordinate relationship , increasing relationship ;

  30. 意象是诗的最小审美单位,各个意象通过组合达到一种效果,这便是意境。

    An image stands for the smallest unit for aesthetics in a poem . A variety of images combined in a poem produces a certain effect , a poetic mood .