
  • 网络The End of Ideology
  1. 丹尼尔·贝尔(DanielBell)是当代美国重要的思想大师。他提出了在当代西方社会深具影响的三大观念:意识形态的终结、后工业社会和资本主义文化矛盾。

    Daniel Bell is one of the most important thinkers of the United States with his most influenced three ideas : " the End of Ideology ", " Post-industrial Society " and " Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism " .

  2. 宣称去意识形态是可笑的,而不进行意识形态批判又是可悲的;意识形态批判的意义和目的,不是去意识形态而实现意识形态的终结,而恰恰是为了意识形态的良性存在。

    Declared that " non - ideology ," is ridiculous and it is tragic not to criticize ideology ; The meaning and purpose of ideological criticism , not " non - ideology " to achieve " the end of ideology ", but the presence of the ideology .

  3. 它以对一种强大的政治意识形态的终结放行和唤醒了个人内心对于生活的吁求与吁请。

    It ended the release of a powerful political ideology and waked up personal inner heart calling for life .

  4. 1990年代,随着传统意识形态的终结与转型,以及商业社会和读图时代的来临,文学批评经历了一次转型。

    With the society entering into a business and photo aesthetic time and the end of old ideology in the 1990s , literary criticism experienced a great transformation .