
  1. 跨越一整世纪的LAVAZZA,有浓厚的意大利传统家族色彩,代代相传、绵延孳长。

    Across a whole century , LAVAZZA , has a strong tradition of family , the Italian colors , from generation to generation , a long stretch of propagation .

  2. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛..康乃狄格州一名男子声称州政府侵犯了他的意大利传统。怎么回事呢?

    A Connecticut man says the state is attacking his Italian .

  3. 但在冬天,我的家人总是保持着一个古老的意大利传统。

    But in winter my family always upholds an old Italian tradition .

  4. 山西老陈醋的工艺精华和产品特色奢侈的调味品&意大利传统葡萄香醋

    Essence in Brewing Process and the Distinguishing Quality Feature of Shanxi Long Aged Vinegar

  5. 他说,扎根于意大利传统的普拉托,是一个完美的训练场。

    Prato , rooted in Italian tradition , is a perfect training ground , he says .

  6. 结合经典的意大利传统和都是都市休闲优雅的设计,将很容易适应任何一种家居风格。

    Exclusive designs combining classic Italian tradition and cosmopolitan casual elegance will easily fit into any kind of home style .

  7. 我的房子外观是意大利传统的贵族乡间住宅。

    Located in old alley not far from the French Concession , It is organized as a noble Italian Countryside house .

  8. 其它还有一些非常好的器具,包括意大利传统的摩卡壶、虹吸式咖啡壶以及冷藏萃取法等。

    Other excellent ( albeit somewhat less common ) brewing methods include traditional Italian stove-top coffeemakers , vacuum brewers and cold-water extractors .

  9. 第二部分:通过对欧洲社会文化背景、声乐教育发展史和大师对本人的言传身教来分析和研究意大利传统的声乐教育体系和教学方法。

    Secondly , Italian traditional system and methods vocal music education is analyzed and researched through the knowledge on European social and cultural backgrounds , history of vocal music education , and pier 's personal instructing .

  10. 源自意大利传统美声唱法的靠前派面罩说、靠后派咽音说,是贯穿各声乐学派艺术理念的中心线索。

    The " forward " face guard theory and " backward " pharynx sound theory , developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto , are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools .

  11. 米兰萨拉米是意大利最传统和最受欢迎的萨拉米之一。

    Milano Salami is one of the most popular traditional Italian salami .

  12. 意大利的传统主食意大利面,在现代厨艺的诠释下风靡全世界。

    It is traditionally a staple of Italian cuisine but in modern cookery is used across the globe .

  13. 意大利的传统文化宗教信仰对心理咨询的治疗有很深的影响。

    In Italy , traditional culture , religion and belief had a significant effect on psychological consult and treatment .

  14. 就像享乐生活精神存在于意大利的传统中一样,商业也是美国的遗传基因组成部分。

    Business is part of its DNA in much the same way that la dolce vita is part of Italy 's.

  15. 檀宫的壁画保留了意大利最传统的绘画手法与主题,将古典主义风格进行到底。

    Murals in Sandalwood Private Resort retain the essence of Italian traditional painting , and exude a rich classical atmosphere .

  16. 同时,《寒冬夜行人》的创作又深深植根于卡尔维诺本民族的文学传统,意大利文学传统中的骑士文学和民间故事深刻地影响了卡尔维诺的创作。

    At the same time , it is also planted deeply in traditional Italian literature , especially the knight literature and folktales .

  17. 第三部分讨论《寒冬夜行人》独特的叙事艺术体现出的对意大利文学传统的继承。

    The third part discusses the factors of Italian traditional literature , inherited by If on a winter 's night a traveler .

  18. 但实际上,意大利等传统坚持溯及力原则的国家也正出现渐渐淡化溯及力概念本义的趋势。

    But in fact , Italian law and other traditional adhere to the principle of retroactive effect , gradually diluting the of its original meaning concept .

  19. 在乙级,这个将会是一个另外期待的周末,因为2只意大利的传统强队将在联赛中5年来首次相遇。

    It 's a mouth-watering weekend of action in Serie B as two of Italian football 's giants square off in a League match for the first time in five years .

  20. 20世纪70年代以来,随着意大利北部传统产业集群的迅速发展及其在国际竞争中显现出来的强大竞争优势,产业集群现象引起了国内外学术界和各国政府的高度重视。

    Since 20 Century in the 1970s , with the rapid development of the traditional industrial clusters and show a strong competitive advantage in international competition of northern Italy , industry clustering phenomenon has attached great importance to all countries at home and abroad .

  21. AVANTI意大利餐厅将传统意式菜肴与新式烹饪完美结合,为客人呈上全新意大利美食体验。

    AVANTI Italian Kitchen fuses the traditional Italian cuisine with novel cooking , creating a brand new dining experience .

  22. 小肉丸和意大利面配有传统的自制番茄酱。

    Minced meatballs served with traditional home style tomato sauce .

  23. 至于最让我吃得舒心的,应该算是意大利南部传统美食了。

    The consistently best restaurant food I , ve ever had is Vietnamese .

  24. 他说,罐装食品可能价格便宜,但人们更喜欢意大利的烹调传统。

    Tinned food might be sold very cheaply , he said , but Italian traditions of cooking would always be preferred .

  25. 由于历史、文化的原因形成了意大利特有的建筑传统,这种传统一直影响到当代的建筑。

    It also influences contemporary Italian architecture .

  26. “格罗索一个人,他代表了意大利悠久的光荣传统!在这一刻,他不是一个人在战斗!他不是一个人!”

    " Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian soccer , he 's not fighting alone at this moment ! He 's not alone !"

  27. 在美国大多数的名厨对于几种烹饪「方言」都很「流利」。随便举几个例子:墨西哥、意大利、中国以及传统美国风味。

    Most good cooks in America are fluent in several cooking dialects : Mexican , Italian , Chinese and good old American style , just to name a few .

  28. 在美国大多数的名厨对于几种烹饪“方言”都很“流利”。随便举几个例子:墨西哥、意大利、中国以及传统美国风味。

    Most good cooks in America are " fluent " in severcooking " dialecls " : Mexican , Italian , Chinese and old good American style , just to name a few .

  29. 当然西服有多种款式和系列。但常见的有意大利式的、传统英国绅士式的,或是传统美式的。

    There are many variations on the cut ( or style ) of the suit , of course , but the most commonly found cuts are Italian , Traditional English , and Traditional American .

  30. 诗人乔叟在欧洲中世纪文学进入现代文学的转折过程中发挥了重要作用,他广泛借鉴了法国、意大利、拉丁文学传统,结合英语语言的特点,开创了英国文学的传统。

    Chaucer played an important role in the transition period from medieval literature to modern literature . He incorporated French , Italian , and Latin literary traditions into English literature and founded English literature tradition .