
  • 网络sense of tragedy;tragic sense
  1. 反讽意象时而能够激起人们滑稽的笑容,时而能够让人产生深深的悲剧感,这也取决于观众是否将感情因素掺杂其间。

    The irony imagery can sometimes provoke funny smile , sometimes make people feel a deep sense of tragedy , it also depends on whether viewers doping their emotions .

  2. 中国戏剧之所以缺少悲剧感,中国的悲剧研究之所以不尽人意,都可以从这里找到解释。

    This clearly explains the reason why there is a lack of the sense of tragedy in China 's tragedies , and why the attainment of studies on China 's tragedies has been so unsatisfactory .

  3. 伴随他成名过程而逐渐明朗的悲剧感,终于占了上风。

    The sense of unfolding tragedy that shadowed his rise to fame has prevailed .

  4. 在客观上,这种关注使作品始终贯穿着浓重的悲剧感和失落感;

    Objectively this kind of concern gives the novels strong sense of tragedy and lose ;

  5. 这一切,构成了该书浓烈的历史悲剧感与理想悲剧感。

    This sets the tone of the novel with a strong tragic sense on both history and ideal .

  6. 她以女性特有的敏锐笔触在其小说中反映了当时西方人的一种普遍的宿命论情绪,即人生的悲剧感。

    In her novels , she expressed a common western mood-fatalism , the tragedy of life , in her own way .

  7. 悲剧感是建立在对人的命运的深刻体认的基础之上,具有悲剧意义的救赎是与命运的搏斗,在这个过程中人的自由和价值得以实现。

    Tragic sense is based on the profound understanding of human fate , and redemption with tragic sense is the struggle with the fate .

  8. 《红楼梦魇》的完成过程,是张爱玲消解其对时代与人性的悲剧感,表达情感最后归宿的过程。

    The process of Nightmare in the Red Chamber 's creation is the one of Eileen Zliang 's eliminating her sense of tragedy to the epoch and human nature and expressing the final incidence of her sentiment .

  9. 这些作品所体现的情感特质是寂寞,从中披示了他作为士大夫文人和现代知识分子双重角色在现实社会面前的悲剧感;

    The typically emotional trait reflected in those writings is loneliness - a sense of tragedy resulting from the double role that the writer has to play both as a scholar - official and as a modern intellectual .

  10. 童年的不幸生活,成年遭遇的战乱及西方现代主义思潮、中国传统的乐生文化心态都使她将悲剧感审美化。

    The unhappy life in her childhood , unrealized ideas in her adult days , the western modernist , thoughts at the turn of the 20th century and the Chinese traditional culture , all these imbue her writing with an impersonal tragic sense of existence .

  11. 从悲剧、悲剧感,喜剧和喜剧感及其审美价值等方面均可印证这一说法。

    This conclusion can be verified from the aspects of tragedy , sense of tragedy , comedy and sense of comedy and their aesthetic value .

  12. 人们不再追问哲学意义上的终极价值,崇尚悲剧的崇高感,而是着眼于当下生活、关注个人内心的情感之思。

    People no longer ask philosophical sense , the ultimate value of the noble sense of advocating tragedy , but care for the present life , personal inner feelings of concerning about .

  13. 其悲剧力量、崇高感来自自我超越的内在文化规定与对意义世界的执拗追求。

    Its tragic force and its nobility originate from self-transcend , intrinsic cultural rules and the persistent pursuit for meaningful world .

  14. 在多种艺术手法的交叉运用中,在形而下现实生活和形而上审美意境中,他的悲剧叙事呈现深度感和美感相得益彰的局面。

    With a variety of artistic practices in the novel , his tragic sense of narrative depth and beauty complement present situation .

  15. 试想我们自己对悲剧歌队和悲剧英雄所感的诧异,我们总觉得,这两者同我们的习惯,甚至同传统,都是不调协的,

    Let us recollect how strangely we were affected by the chorus and by the tragic hero of a kind of tragedy which refused to conform to either our habits or our tradition -- until ,

  16. 命运悲剧与伦理悲剧&中西方古典悲剧中道德感的比较

    Tragedies of Fate and Ethic

  17. 王国维的人格悲剧铸成其人格理论的两大特征:改造传统文论知人论世、觇文见心的人格分析方法,引入西方哲学&美学的生存悲剧感和对生命意义的终极追问。

    This tragedy give his personality theory two contents which are both to reform Chinese traditional personality theory and to use the theory of west modern philosophy and aesthetic .