
guài shì
  • oddity;wonder;wonder that;a rum go
怪事[guài shì]
  1. 怪事这差不多用了10年的时间,真是桩奇事。

    It 's a wonder that it took almost ten years .

  2. 真是怪事,那个大澡盆似的破船怎么能航海?

    I wonder how seaworthy that over-sized bathtub really is ?

  3. 怪事——正门开着。

    That 's strange ─ the front door 's open .

  4. 人人都因接二连三发生的怪事感到惊恐。

    Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events .

  5. 这确实是件怪事。

    This is a strange business and no mistake .

  6. 这儿最近发生了一些怪事。

    There have been strange happenings here lately .

  7. 今天上午发生了一件怪事。

    A strange thing happened this morning .

  8. 卡尔森注意到另外一件怪事:他的植物开了两次花。

    Carlson noticed another oddity ; his plant had bloomed twice .

  9. 怪事开始出现。

    Something odd began to happen .

  10. “一只会说话的猪!”他大声叫道,“哎呀,真是怪事。”

    ' A talking pig ! ' he exclaimed . ' Well , I 'll be darned . '

  11. 这是鲜有的怪事。

    This is a very rare and strange affair .

  12. 咳,真有这种怪事儿!

    What ! That 's really strange !

  13. 我做梦也没有想到这样的怪事。

    I never dreamed of such a strange thing .

  14. 我对这个鬼魂的来历和他的故事知道的不是很多,但我深信他跟着我回了我家,并且和我共处了一段时间,厨房里的怪事就是他所为。

    I never got a full story on who the ghost was or anything about the ghost , but I am fairly certain that the ghost followed me home and vacationed with me a while and tried to make its presence known in my kitchen .

  15. 在服务器端运行JavaScript并不是什么怪事。

    Running JavaScript on the server is not some oddity .

  16. 这才有了菲亚特500L那长长的、难以驾驭的变速杆以及变速器运行中偶发的莫名其妙的怪事。

    And thus the 500L 's lengthy , and dodgy , gearstick and its occasional mystery-gear function .

  17. 这是一件怪事,你知道吗?

    There is one strange thing , do you know it ?

  18. 那老婆子却有过青春,这真是怪事。

    This old dame had once been young & astonishing fact !

  19. 参加上述电话会议的分析师们还在追问另一件怪事。

    Analysts on the conference call also pounced on another oddity .

  20. 非常清楚,怪事是关于那个房间的。

    It 's very clear that confusion was about that room .

  21. 请你别再拿什么怪事来吓我了。

    I wish you wouldn 't keep springing surprises on me .

  22. 我想这事已经可以归入怪事之列了。

    I 'd say we 've offifially crossed over into weird .

  23. 她仍住在家里被看作是件怪事。

    It was considered odd that she still lived at home .

  24. 他竟然没赶上火车,真是怪事。

    It 's strange that he should have missed the train .

  25. 这年的春夏之际,怪事接二连三发生。

    All through that spring and summer odd things kept happening .

  26. 我刚刚在那里碰上点怪事。

    I just had myself a little freak show back there .

  27. 在我听到的一切怪事中。

    Of all the wonders that I yet have heard .

  28. 呵,我被我们眼前所见的怪事吓得要死。

    Well , I 'm freaked out by what we 're seeing .

  29. 在假日的最后一个星期发生了一件怪事。

    In the last week of the holiday a strange thing happened .

  30. 他失踪后怪事就发生了。

    After he disappeared , mysterious things have taken place .