
  • 网络sexual autonomy
  1. 心理授权是员工对自身自由性和自主权的自我感知,心理授权感知程度的高低,决定了员工的认知和行为。

    Psychological empowerment is self-perception of psychological freedom and autonomy of their own , the degree of the perceptions of psychological empowerment , which determine employees ' perceptions and behavior .

  2. 这种特殊的组织结构造成交易所独立性和自主权缺乏、自律监管弱化,深沪两所形成高度垄断和业务趋同化的格局,竞争环境相当封闭滞后。

    This particular organizational structure make the exchange lack of independence and autonomy , weaken self-regulatory . Shenzhen and Shanghai Exchange form a high degree of monopoly setup and their business pattern appear advolution trend , the competitive environment is quite closed .

  3. 从理论和实践两方面考察,主权是辩证的,即作为一种抽象的、终极性的独立自主权,主权是绝对的,既不可分割、也不可限制和让渡;

    From the point of both theoretical and practical views , state sovereignty is dialectical , i.e. , being an abstract and ultimate power maintaining independence and keep the initiative in state 's own bands , it is absolute , not only indivisible , but unlimited and not transferable .

  4. 本文通过对体育彩票的经营管理体制进行了分析研究,发现管理体制缺乏独立性;彩票经营自主权的私营化;缺少有效的法律保护,对社会造成负面的影响。

    We have found the fact that the management system is lack of dependence ; the privatization of its managing mode ; insufficient law protection , for a negative impact on the society problems .

  5. 自由性、责任性、发展性构成教师自主权的基本内容。

    Freedom , responsibility and development constitute the basic content of teachers ' professional autonomy right .