
xìng bìng xué
  • venereology;venerology;cypridology
性病学[xìng bìng xué]
  1. 我国性病学主要期刊初步调查

    Preliminary Survey on the Distribution of the Venereology in Chinese Journals

  2. 国家自然科学基金资助20年皮肤性病学基础研究发展概况

    Progresses on basic research in dermatology and venereology funded by NSFC

  3. 目的了解《中国皮肤性病学杂志》随机对照试验(RCT)的现状。

    Objective To investigate the present situation of randomized controlled trials ( RCT ) in articles published by 《 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology 》 .

  4. 开展皮肤性病学暑期科研与预见习;

    Carrying out summer students program and pre-internship in dermatology and venereology ;

  5. 提高皮肤性病学教学质量的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on Quality Improvement of Dermatology Teaching

  6. 五年制医学生皮肤性病学实习带教方法的探讨

    Investigation on the Teaching Methods for Dermatological and Venereological Practice of Medical Students

  7. 近五年皮肤性病学考试试题及成绩分析

    The Analysis of Dermato-venerology Examination Questions and the Grades in the Past Five Years

  8. 开展远程网络皮肤性病学教学。

    Developing distance education in dermatology and venereology .

  9. 皮肤性病学预见习探讨&医学生早期接触临床的桥梁

    Discussion of dermatology and venereology fore-observation : the bridge of early-contacting clinic for medical students

  10. 应用现代教育技术促进皮肤性病学多媒体教学的改革与发展

    Promoting innovation and development of multimedia-aided teaching for dermatology and venereology with modern educational technology

  11. 浅谈皮肤性病学教学改革

    The Teaching reform in Dermatology Venerology

  12. 指导低年级医学本科生进行皮肤性病学暑期科研的初步探讨

    Discussion of directing ' summer students program ' with dermatology and venereology for low-grade medical undergraduate students

  13. 所以梅毒的传播促使形成一门新的医学分支&性病学。

    So the spreading of syphilis promotes forming a new branch of medicine - - - - venereology .

  14. 医学生学好皮肤性病学的关键是掌握皮肤性病学的形态特点。

    The key to good understanding of dermatovenereology by medical students is to grasp the features of the lesions .

  15. 借助数字化校园平台,开发基于网络的远程皮肤性病学教学课件;

    Exploiting distance education courseware of dermatology and venereology based on the Internet with the help of digital campus web ;

  16. 留学生皮肤病与性病学教学初探④开展皮肤性病学暑期科研与预见习;

    Research of Teaching in Dermatology and Venereology for Foreign Students ④ Carrying out summer students program and pre-internship in dermatology and venereology ;

  17. 为了更加全面地认识该病原体,文章对其流性病学、理化特性、分子生物学、诊断及防制作了较为全面的概述。

    The epidemiology , physical and chemical characters , molecular biology , diagnosis and vaccination control of Haemophilus parasuis were reviewed in this article .

  18. 其思路主要包括:①改革传统教学模式,提出以皮疹为中心的皮肤性病学教学新模式;

    The main considerations are as follows : ① Reforming traditional teaching pattern , bringing forward new dermatology and venereology teaching pattern that focuses on eruptions ;

  19. 围绕此目的,探讨今后皮肤性病学本科教学多元化发展思路,以此促进皮肤性病学本科教学不断与时俱进。

    To achieve this aim , we explored the future diversified development of undergraduate teaching in dermatology and venereology so as to advance undergraduate teaching with the times .

  20. 早期接触临床是医学基础学科与临床学科教学新的结合点,作为医学生早期接触临床的桥梁,皮肤性病学预见习有其独特的优势。

    Early-contacting clinic is a new combining site of pre - clinical subjects and clinical subjects . As the bridge of early-contacting clinic for medical students , dermatology and venerology fore-observation has distinct superiority .

  21. 分析探讨了当前皮肤性病学多媒体教学实践中存在的主要问题:课件制作水平较低,教学主体的参与性不够,个性化教学受到限制。

    The main problems existing in multimedia-aided teaching for dermatology and venereology are analyzed . They include such problems as the low level of multimedia courseware making , inadequate participation of students and restricted individualized teaching .

  22. 皮肤性病学本科教学目的是培养医学生临床综合思维能力,掌握皮肤性病的初步诊疗原则,为今后从事科临床工作奠定皮肤性病学基础。

    The aim of undergraduate teaching in dermatology and venereology is to develop medical students ' comprehensive clinical thinking , grasp primary diagnostic and treatment principles of dermatology and venereology , and lay dermatological and venereological foundation for undertaking various clinical work after graduation .

  23. 1207例门诊泌尿生殖道感染者性病病原学检测分析

    Detection of pathogens causing sexually transmitted diseases of the urogenital system in 1207 cases

  24. 生殖健康:对性病的社会学研究

    Reproduction Health : Sociological Study on Venereal Disease