
  • 网络morality
  1. 学生作为国家未来的建设者和接班人,不仅需要具备丰富的科学文化知识储备,而且也需要具备良好的思想品质。

    As the constructers and successors of our country , students should need knowledge-reserved and have good morality .

  2. 外语教师的素质是:思想品质素质,专业素质,综合文化素质,心理生理素质。

    The quality of a foreign language teacher refers to their quality of morality , specialty , comprehensive culture , physical and psychology .

  3. 教育内容,特别重视思想品质和伦理道德教育;

    He pays special stress on ethical and moral education .

  4. 人的行为、动机、思想品质是无法而且不应该是一成不变的,因为人的性格、思想感情都不是由纯粹的原质从外部机械加工而成的。

    A man 's behavior , motivation , thinking and ideological character cannot be unchangeable .

  5. 探讨教育的目的,教育的时机和技巧,思想品质教育的重要性。

    The aim and Chance and skill were discussed for education . Ideology is need in teaching ?

  6. 它培养劳动者的思想品质,能调动起劳动者掌握专业技术知识的自觉性和积极性。

    It can foster laborers ' ideology quality , enhance their consciousness and enthusiasm to master professional and technological knowledge .

  7. 还优秀文化成果于人民,重视中华民族思想品质、知识水平和文化素质的提高;

    Return the excellent achievements in culture to people and attach importance to the advancing of quality of thought , knowledge and culture ;

  8. 高校班级文化建设是高校工作的重要领域,对于培养大学生的思想品质具有重要意义。

    Construction of class culture is an important area of university work , there is important meaning to cultivate college students ' thought quality .

  9. 正是这种与众不同的思想品质,使她的作品越来越受到广大读者的深切关注。

    It is because of such a distinctive ideological quality that her works is arousing more and more intense interest in the reading public .

  10. 本文强调了把思想品质教育寓于语文教学之中,在语文教学中对学生实施思想品德素质教育,是语文教师义不容辞的责任。

    This paper emphasizes the importance of ideological education embedded in the teaching of Chinese , which is the obligatory responsibility of teachers of Chinese .

  11. 教师素质是教师在教育和管理工作中所具备的思想品质、业务、能力、心理诸多要素的总和,它是医学教育的关键;

    Teachers ' quality is the sum of ideological quality , professionalism , competence and mental status , and it is the key to medical education .

  12. 它以全面提高大学生思想品质、科学文化知识和身体、心理与技能素质,培养创新能力和发展个性为主要内容的基础教育。

    It is a basic education whose main content includes improving the ideological quality , the knowledge , physical , mental and working skill quality completely .

  13. 公共精神是学生良好思想品质的重要组成部分,影响着学生的健康成长。

    The public spirit is part of the good morality of students . Also , it can effect on the healthy growth and development of them .

  14. 教师的人格对大学生知识的积累和能力的增长、思想品质和人格的形成有重要的影响。

    The personality of teacher has great influence on the accumulation of knowledge , increasing of ability and the forming of quality and personality of university students .

  15. 提高教学质量,必须加强师德建设。教师道德是教师在教育实践活动中所应遵循的行为准则和应具备的思想品质,以及与之相应的道德观念和情操。

    The promotion of teaching quality depends on the construction of teacher morality , the moral quality and norm that a teacher should follow in education practice .

  16. 为什么说农村劳动妇女的思想品质、阅历和愿望等是中国民间剪纸艺术风格形成的主要因素?

    Why do we say that the character and experience of women in countryside is the main factor which form the unique style in Chinese folk paper-cut art ?

  17. 现在的体育课教育效果和教学效果比较明显,学生的体育兴趣、身体素质有所增强、思想品质有所提高。

    PE effect and the teaching effect at present are obvious , the students interested in sports , and physical qualities have improved , thought the quality has improved .

  18. 因此,陶艺教育本身具有对人的思想品质教育、人文思想教育以及树立个性、陶冶情操和发展智力等素质教育功能。

    So , ceramic art education has the function of disposition education , such as moral character education , humanities thought education , building up personality , edifying sentiment and developing intellectuality , etc.

  19. 数学教育的人文之美在于,数学教育可以培养人们的思维能力;数学教育可以提高人的思想品质;

    The beauty of humanism in mathematical education show that : mathematical education can foster people 's faculty of thinking , and then improve their character , and finally help to develop their creative power .

  20. 道德教育是世界各国教育改革的重点,也是学者研究的热点内容,因为道德教育对于学生的个性心理结构和思想品质结构的形成有着重要的意义。

    Moral education is the focus of education reform in the countries around the world , as well the hot content studies by scholars , because moral education has an important significance for the formation of students ' individual psychological structure and ideological quality structure .

  21. 一方或双方父母外出导致家庭教育缺失,致使一部分留守儿童出现了心理孤独焦虑、学习成绩较差、思想品质功利,以自我为中心等不良情况。

    The absence of one parent or parents lead to lack of family education , and a part of left-behind children have problems such as feeling loneliness and anxious , getting relatively poor school performance , utilitarian in thought and quality , self-centered , etc. .

  22. 裁判员培训不仅是裁判理论知识和技能的学习,而且在培训过程中,对体育专业大学生的思想品质、心理素质、伦理素质等自身素质方面均有直接或间接的产生较大影响。

    Referee training is not only the referee theoretical knowledge and skills to learn , but also in the training process , the physical education college students thinking , psychological , ethical qualities of the quality of both their own , directly or indirectly have a significant impact .

  23. 你思想的品质你心中的善良

    The quality of your ideas the kindness in your heart .

  24. 家庭伦理在个体思想道德品质的形成中发挥着基础性作用;

    Family ethic plays a fundamental role in the forming of individual thoughts and morality ;

  25. 体育品德是个体在参加体育活动及与体育相关的社会活动中所表现出来的思想道德品质。

    Sport morals are principles and values shown by individuals while attending sport campaigns and the social intercourse .

  26. 这条谚语告诉我们:要想了解一个人思想、品质的好坏,能力的大小,只有通过长时间的考验。

    This proverb tells us that a long period of testing is needed to understand one 's nature and capabilities .

  27. 在体育教学实践中进行德育教育,顺应了体育教学在培养学生思想道德品质的过程中扮演重要角色的发展趋势。

    Carrying on the moral education in the sports teaching practice conform to the developing tendency to train the student moral character .

  28. 感恩教育作为一种以情动情的情感教育,已经成为提升大学生思想道德品质的重要途径之一。加强大学生的感恩教育无论是对学生自身的发展,还是对高校德育工作的开展都具有重要的意义。

    Gratefulness education , as a method of affective education directing at arousing the emotions , has already became an important approach for university students to possess the moral trait .

  29. 为了迎接21世纪的全面挑战,当代大学生不但要有良好的思想道德品质、精湛的业务素质,还必须具备健全完善的心理素质和健康的体魄。

    To meet challenges in twenty first century , college students should not only have good moral characters and professional quality , but also have perfect psychological quality and strong constitution .

  30. 是医务工作者应具备的思想道德品质,是医务工作者与病人、社会以及医务工作者之间关系的总和。

    Is thought moral character which the medical worker should have , is sum total which between the medical worker and the patient , the society as well as the medical worker relate .