- 名attitude scaling

Development of Money Attitude Scale and Research on Its Validity and Reliability
Parents ' attitude inventory for handicapped children learning in regular class
The Application of Scale of Attitudes toward Disabled Persons among Undergraduates
Chapter three is about the valuation of attitude scale .
Assessment on a Scale for Measuring Smoking-related Attitudes in Chinese Secondary School Students
Framing of the Student Attitude Scale about Learning Burden and Its Structure Analysis
Assessing Cultural Values : Developing an Attitudinal Scale
Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory Minnesota Engineering Analogies Test
Methods cooperation and competition attitude questionnaire and self description questionnaire were administrated to397 middle school students .
Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory
Chapter two is about the classification of attitude and the introduction of attitude scale in common use .
Research tool includes four parts : demographic data , professional attitude scale , self-esteem scale , social adjustment scale .
Questionnaires were conducted in the research to get a preliminary understanding of the attitudes of undergraduates toward disabled persons .
Eighteen Dutch investors and fifteen Chinese investors from four different financial institutions ranked twenty-six risk factors on a Likert type scale .
Second , a questionnaire survey was carried out , which contains automobile consumption attitude scale and lifestyle scale in Guangdong province .
Introduction Brand attitude accessibility is related to brand attitude strength , which is usually viewed as a well-established feature of attitude strength .
MethodsQuestionnaire on the parents attitude toward learning in regular class was designed and administered to240 parents of handicapped children and480 parents of normal children .
This essay suggests that the scale about the pilots ' attitude of aviation safety fit the standard of psychological surveying in both reliability and availability .
The results of the study indicate that : the significantly differences are not shown between the experimental group and controlled group in career maturity before the intervention .
Research tools include a sense of scale the meaning of life , death attitude scale , as well as the life education programs that designed by researcher .
In the first part , do a survey on 510 students by using the traditional filial piety and family attitude scale , and explore the relationship between them .
Here are the results of research : ( 1 ) The newly translated Chinese edition of the SADP has been proved to have good reliability and validity , and the results are stable and reliable .
In the second part , also with the primary and secondary school student as subjects , Study 2 and study 3 were designed to investigate the structure and characteristics of epistemological-belief-of-science questionnaire and the attitudes-toward-science questionnaire respectively .
The writer has a test on the emotional attitude towards students learning biology and the academic records by the table of emotional attitude towards biology classroom teaching and the biology final-term exam of the second term in Senior 2 , making the comparative analysis and conclusion on the tests .
All the patients were assessed and compared with brief psychiatric rating scale ( BPRS ), insight and therapy attitude question scale ( ITAQ ), morning side recovery states scale ( MRSS ), self-developed therapy compliance rating scale before and 3,6 months after treatment .
Exchanging to guardians by a talk , specifying the significance of investigation and the method of filling LES and SAS , asking every guardian to complete independently the scales by the realistic manner , writing the general state of healthy questionnaire , about 30 minutes one time .
So it is important to design an efficient attitude scale which not only can show the surveyor 's intention but also inflect the enough information of the respondent .
First of all , the author constructs the " psychological symbol and automobile consumption attitude relationship model " from psychological symbol perspective , and describes the development and validation of a short , reliable and valid attitude scale to measure automobile consumption attitude .